  • 學位論文


Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process Method to Green Supplier Selection in Electronics Manufacturing Business:The Case of FLASH/DRAM Factory

指導教授 : 羅明正


採購管理對於FLASH/DRAM製造業的經營管理實有相當大的影響,因此值得去深究探討。採購管理不但可以協助企業維持原物料的供應及品質,亦可以降低原物料的取得成本,進而降低企業整體營運成本,增加及提高企業利潤。而與供應商建立良好的夥伴關係及革命情感則有許多優點,包括:促進原物料之品質穩定、價格合理、交期配合與良好之售後服務等等。 另一方面,面對現階段歐洲各國對於環保品質的嚴厲挑戰,當務之急就是如何重新定義新的供應鏈,把環境改善課題(如廢棄物減量化)融於目前整個供應鏈過程,亦即建構所謂「綠色供應鏈」。故亦希望針對電子產業的綠色供應商評選準則進行探討。 在採購策略部份以個案質化方式進行探討,在綠色供應商評選準則則以層級分析法進行探討。


Procurement management is more impact to management in the FLASH DRAM industry; it is worth investigating.Procurement management can not only help companies maintain the supply of raw materials and quality, it can also be made to reduce the cost of raw materials, thus reducing overall operating costs, increase and improve profitability. With suppliers to establish a good partnership and the revolutionary spirit, there are many advantages, including: the promotion of the quality of raw materials, reasonable price, with delivery and goodafter sales services. On the other hand, by facing European countries at this stage of severe challenges for environmental quality, priority is how to redefine the new supply chain, the environmental improvement project (such as waste minimization) and into the present the entire supply chain process, is building "Green supply chain." The electronics industry's green supplier selection criteria were discussed. To explore the procurement strategy part is using qualitative methods, and analysis the green supplier selection criteria weight.


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