  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Factors of Voting in Regional Area-A Case Study on Pingzhen City

指導教授 : 陳春盛 林祐正


選舉在台灣已成為人民參與政治的直接機制與模式,而要瞭解民主政治的實際運作,必須先行瞭解選區選舉生態與選民投票行為,故本研究基於在地化選舉,以桃園縣平鎮市為研究對象,探討平鎮市選民認同屬性與投票行為的相互影響性與相關性。 本文研究過程將透過問卷調查,針對桃園平鎮市選舉人之投票行為進行問卷收集與統計分析,包含敘述性統計、獨立樣本T統計、卡方檢定、變異數分析、交叉分析與相關分析來萃取影響投票行為的關鍵因素。 研究發現影響投票行為的二項變數群「個人特質」與「議題取向」是影響最直接也最深切的,且其相對於人口變數的學歷因素表現最具顯著;然而在「政黨派系認同」變數群,則以高中(職)的學歷最具顯著差異。除此之外,研究也萃取出九個在地化「關鍵因素」,其中兩個因素因具備非常顯著相關性,將其歸類為「重度關鍵因素」。故研究結果說明,平鎮市小區域選舉,候選人除了必須具備個人應有的特質與定位外,可結合在地化影響投票行為的關鍵因素,以利行銷候選人優勢與掌握投票行為模式。


The election in Taiwan has a mechanism and the pattern that people can participate political directly. To understand actual operation in the democracy, it is important to considerate election environment and voting behaviors. Based on localization, the research takes the Pingzhen of Taoyuan County as the object to discusses the attributes of voters and explore the relevance of effects on voting behaviors. In this study it used samples from the voters Pingzhen as the investigative objectives and the results through questionnaire were analyzed by the statistical software of SPSS. To give the result of the questionnaire analysis, this research applied descriptive statistics, t-test independent, Chi-Square tests, one-way ANOVA, cross-reference and analysis of correlation factor analysis to extract key factors that influence voting behaviors. After the analysis, the results of questionnaire show that two phases “Individual Characteristic” and “Issue Orientation” are the important phases they influence deeply and directly. In addition, the factor- education degree of population background is remarkable. On the phase” Party Orientation”, it has influence in high-school of the education degree. On the other hand, the study also extracted nine localization factors about election and two of them are called “Serious key factors”. The study discovered that significant variables including native origin, political party orientation, candidate orientation, election agenda and so on. Therefore, the findings showed that the candidates besides must have individual special characteristic and the localization, it suggested the candidates may apply the key factors to market their issues on election in order to grasp and control the voting behaviors.


4.吳統雄,「形象投票預測模式在台北市實施的效果研究」,民意季刊研究,第189 期,41-67 頁,民國八十三年。
