  • 學位論文


The Impact of Student Family Structure on Consumption Behavior and Money Education-A Case Study of C National Primary School in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 曾曉萍


本研究旨在探討桃園市C國民小學四年級學童的消費行為與其家長施予的金錢教養,是否因不同家庭結構有所影響。本研究以立意抽樣抽取桃園市某公立小學四年級,共8個班級,總計有212位四年級學童及其家長經由問卷調查蒐集資料,進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,以判別不同家庭結構學生在消費行為上及其家長在金錢教養上的差異性。 就研究結果得到下述結論: 一、消費行為方面,大多數四年級學童在消費行為上偏向衝動及炫耀,相當在意他人眼光,希望藉由消費行為能秀出來讓同儕肯定。 二、有存錢習慣的學童,卻也伴隨著相當程度在使用金錢方面的衝動性和炫耀心態。 三、家庭結構上,一般家庭較外籍配偶家庭在金錢教養方面更為注重。 四、隔代教養的國小學童的數據均比一般家庭、外籍配偶家庭和單親家庭結構的國小學童在消費行為上來的低落,可能原因為祖父母照顧孫子女會備加寵愛,使得學童容易形成不正確的消費方式,而影響學童的消費行為。 五、教育程度上,高學歷的家長本身在金錢教育上更加注重,低學歷的家長在金錢教育上較為忽視,或低學歷的家長在相關資源和資訊的取得相對於高學歷的家長更為不利。 因此本文建議家長應以正向且積極的態度建立學童良好的零用錢使用規範,並建構理性的消費行為與金錢觀念,且建議學校結合「親職教育日」或「班親會」辦理消費行為主題活動,配合製作收支表,讓學童學習到正確的消費觀念。


The aim of this study is to explore whether the consumption behavior of Grade 4 children in C National Primary School in Taoyuan City is related to the parental education. In this study, a fourth class of a public elementary school in Taoyuan City was sampled and sampled. A total of 212 fourth-year school children and their parents collected data from the questionnaire. The t-test, single-factor variance analysis and Pearson product correlation , To determine the different family structure of students in the consumer behavior and their parents in the money on the education of the differences.The results of the study are as follows: 1. The consumer behavior, most of the children of this age in the consumer behavior on the impulse and show off, quite concerned about the eyes of others, hoping to show through the consumer behavior to peer peer affirmation. 2. There are savings habits of school children, but also accompanied by a considerable degree of the use of money in the impulse and show off mentality.: 3. Family structure, the average family than the foreign spouse family in the money education more attention. 4. The data of elementary school children in the suburbs are lower than those of the average family, the foreign spouse family and the single parent family structure in the consumer behavior. The reason may be that the grandparents will take care of the grandchildren and make the school children easy to form Of the consumption patterns, and affect the children's consumer behavior. 5. Education level, highly educated parents themselves pay more attention to money education, low education parents in the money education is more neglected, or low academic parents in the relevant resources and information acquisition relative to highly educated parents more unfavorable. Therefore, this paper suggests that parents should adopt a positive and positive attitude to establish a good use of pocket money for the use of norms, and the construction of rational consumer behavior and the concept of money, and suggested that the school combined with "parenting day" or "class association" for consumer behavior Theme activities, with the production of income and expenditure table, so that students learn the correct concept of consumption.


