  • 學位論文

不同環境背景下國小高年級學童學習成效與學習滿意度探討 —以桃園縣國小為例

The study of performance and satisfaction for elementary students from various background an example of elementary schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 王啟秀
共同指導教授 : 吳克


本研究以調查學生學習成效與學習滿意度的實際狀況為主,輔以學生的背景資料與學習實際狀況,主要在了解學生背景資料與學生學習成效,學生學習滿意度間的相關聯性,以瞭解不同環境背景下的學生,在學習成效與學習滿意度的差異性。 1. 研究發現父親教育程度的不同在學童『學習的積極性』構面上呈現顯著差異。而父親教育程度為國中以下者對於『學習的積極性』認知較差。 2. 研究發現在不同的性別、重要評量的次數及不同回家作業的份量上在學童的『學習的主動性』構面上均有顯著差異,而不同的性別,男性學童學習的主動性較高;重要評量次數為三次時,學童在學習上較為主動;回家作業份量適宜時對於學習的主動性也較有認知感。 3. 研究發現在學童『學習的科目』構面上均呈顯著差異。重要評量次數三次者對於學習的科目認知較強;學期成績排名前段者較喜歡學科的學習;回家作業份量適宜對學習的科目認知較強;父親職業為軍公教者對於學科學習認知最強。 4. 研究發現在有沒有參加課後輔導、重要評量次數的不同、學期成績的排名在學童『老師的授課』構面上均呈顯著差異。有參加課後輔導者、重要評量次數二次者及學期成績為前段者對老師的授課認知較高。 最後根據研究結果做出結論,針對在校學童在各項次分別提出相關具體建議,做為教育工作者的參考,並提出針對滿意度較低的部份進行加強。


The present research focuses on the pupil’s study performance and their study satisfaction in real practice. It aims to find out how individual’sstudy performance and study satisfaction are affected by their background. This research surveyed Year 5 and Year 6 elementary school students in Taoyuan County, of which four dimensions are emphasized and adopted by the research to analyze learner’s study performance, background information altogether. Findings of the research are listed below: Learner’s motivation varies significantly based on their father’s education background. Those fathers graduated from junior high school or below obtain a worse perception of learner’s motivation. Individuals’ attitude towards active learning varies ongender, number of important evaluation, and the amount of homework. It is found that boys show stronger attitude on active learning; pupils learn more actively when having three times of important evaluation; and pupils become more aware of active learning when having appropriate amount of homework. Individual pupils show significant difference on subjects. Pupils become more aware of the difference of subjects when having three times of important evaluation; those with better academic ranking like the subjects more; and those fathers serve as Armed force Catholicism have the strongest perception of subject study. Teacher’s lecture is affected by individuals’ participation in after-school study, numbers of important evaluation, and academic results each semester. It is found that pupils who have participated in after-school study, have encountered two important evaluations, and with better academic ranking identify themselves more with teacher’s lecture. Finally, some recommendations are made on pupils’ study. Hopefully, it will be considered by relevant educators and to have those parts with lower satisfaction improved.


(1) 王克先,學習心理學,桂冠出版社,臺北,民國七十四年。
(2) 朱敬先,教育心理學 ,五南圖書公司,臺北,民國八十六年。
(3) 何英奇,教學評量的基本原則,五南出版社,臺北,民國八十一年。
(4) 吳明隆,SPSS操作與應用-問卷統計分析實務,五南出版社,臺北,民國九十八年。
