  • 學位論文

基於社群網路建構同儕學習與測驗環境之研究 - 以程式設計為例

A Study on Building a Peer Learning and Testing Environment for Computer Programming Based on Social Network

指導教授 : 林忠億


程式語言的學習過程對一般人而言非常辛苦,師生間的隔閡與缺乏互動,加深了學習者的困難。程式設計在學習的過程中需要上機實作才有效果,但是在無人協助的情況下,學習過程中容易遇到瓶頸,導致程式語言的學習過程缺乏效率;同時,在師生間缺乏互動的情況之下,一個老師面對數個學生,在教學過程中無法了解各個學生的學習狀況,老師的精力是有限的,無法面對大量學生的提問,也容易造成學生跟不上學習進度,甚至放棄學習。學習環境對學習者也有很大的影響,當學習者不在課堂上而是在其它場所進行自我練習時,發生問題將無法在短時間內得到想要的解答。 本論文建置一套系統(CodeBook),利用社群網路的概念與導入同儕學習的機制,讓學習者除了可以向老師詢問外,同儕間能夠協助回答,降低老師的負擔,加快尋求答案的時間;同時提供測驗環境使老師或是學習者能夠了解學習狀況,系統提供自動批改機制,能使老師免於不必手動批改,有效率的即時回饋學生學習之成果,系統化的批改機制,能使老師迅速了解學習者的學習狀況,適度的對教學進度加以調整。


In school, learning computer programming is hard for many people. The distance between teachers and students or the insufficient of interaction make this problem be more severe. When learners practice by themselves, they easily meet questions that they do not know how to solve yet. Such situation leads to low learning efficiency. When the interaction between students and teachers is insufficient, it is difficult that a teacher can take care of all students. Students might give up learning simply because they do not catch the lecture progress. Learning environment plays an important roles as well. Students practice by themselves would not have any help when they have questions. In this work, we develop an online system called CodeBook. It is based on the concept of social network and the mechanism of peer learning. Learners can either ask or answer questions online. Teachers not only can answer questions but also know the learning situation of a particular student by checking her source codes. CodeBook provides online judge functionality which is capable of auto-scoring so that both teachers and students can know their learning effects in a short time. With those feedback information, teachers can adjust teaching progress to fit students’ ability.


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