  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Intelligent Architecture-related Courses in the University of science and Technology

指導教授 : 韋家振


隨著地球極端氣候以及地球暖化現象日益嚴重,現今世界各地無不紛紛推行以及實施綠建築環保概念,以求達到生態永續,減緩耗能愛護地球的願景實現。綠建築自1998年內政部建築研究所推行七大評估指標至今,已不斷陸續增加評估內容,並修正相關標準。現今,國內綠建築已儼然非常熟稔地推行中。倘能使綠建築再加以結合智慧控制系統,才足以藉由「智慧化」將節能推向更高峰。 然而,現今大專院校內校園人才培訓,似乎未能有效接軌與教導智慧綠建築相關領域實際所需之技能,故加以延伸探討,期望學校教育能有效結合業界所需,給予最適合的教育課程。根據智慧綠建築產業人才供需調查結果中也發現人才問題,缺乏跨領域人才,及大學畢業生所學無法及時與產業需求接軌,造成學用落差問題。 此研究認為,學校應以最直接有效的方式,結合「契合式學分學程」,與智慧建築業者合作擬定,就現有的相關系所授課內容規劃必修、選修、必選修的相關修業課程,避免造成產業界的人才斷層問題,以達到產學界雙贏。


As the Earth's extreme climate and global warming are getting worse each day,green builiding concepts are being promoted and implemented around the world to achieve ecological sustainability and slow down the consumption of energy resources for protecting the Earth﹒The Ministry of the interior Architectural Research Institute hasimplemented seven important evaluation indicatorssince 1998,the content of the assessment has been continuously increased and the relevant standards have been amended. The green building policy has been fully implemented﹒ The green building policy has been fully implemented noeadays﹒if green building can be integrated with a smartcontrol system,it's enough to push the energy saving to a higher levelby intelligent technology﹒ However,the training system in universities and colleges seemsnot be effectively linkedwith the skills that are really needed in the fields related to the intelligent architecture﹒This study attempted to explore the training courses in schools that will be able to meet the needa of the industry﹒According to the survry made by the intelligent green builiding industry,the industry lacks interdisciplinary talents and university graduates can't meet the industrial needs in timewhich resultsin the gapof learn and use﹒ This study suggested the university should seek the cooperation with the construction industry to create a special program which could meet the industrial needs in the most direct and effective way ﹒The university should review the existed training courses and reorganized the compulsory coursesand the elective courses to solve the gap of learn and use and to achieve the win-win situation for both of academy and industry﹒


[1] 董正玫,「智慧綠建築產業發展之人才需求」,工研院產經中心,第5~8
[2] 財團法人智慧建築中心,「智慧建築評估手冊2016年版」,(http://www.abri.gov.tw)。
[3] 中華民國行政院,四大智慧型產業,智慧綠建築(http://www.ey.gov.tw) 。
