  • 學位論文


A study and design on feedback measurement mechanism of web-based peer assessment

指導教授 : 鄭培成


在大多數教學領域中,同儕互評機制是一種不論對於教師或是學生都相當有幫助的教學模式,其應用範圍包含科學、寫作、商業、金融、工程、醫學方面。同儕互評不僅可以增加學生之間的互動,提升學習意願與效率,透過同儕間的建議與意見交流,更清楚的了解自己作業的缺點並加以改進,也同時能夠促進學習,達到「互助學習」的效益,九年一貫課程綱要中對於科技課程的實施要點提到,教學評量盡量採用類似成品觀摩、專案報告等多元化評量的方式進行。 同儕互評不僅可以提供學生瞭解自我盲點,促進高層次思考的運作並促使學生進行更有效的學習、提昇理解層次、增加學習動機、增強批判別人和接受別人批評的態度與溝通技巧,整體而言能夠提昇學習的成效與意願。而網際網路的蓬勃發展,帶動了教學模式的改變,而同儕互評因為網路的及時性、無時間限制、快速、成本低的優勢,使得網路同儕互評系統更加突顯出同儕互評教學模式的優點,可不受時間、地點的限制,並且可採用匿名的方式避免同儕間的社會壓力,因此網路同儕互評系統是相當直得推廣的教學模式之一。 然而同儕所提供的建議是同儕互評系統是否成功相當重要的因素,同儕間如果能夠熱衷的提供改善意見,學生採納同儕間的建議,對作業進行修正,將會讓受評者獲得更多的建議作為作業修改的依據,進而改善缺失,以達到提升學習的效果。另一方面學生如果能夠提供較多的建議,表示比較認真的評論作業而且能夠增加批判思考的能力。 本研究希望藉由同儕互評的過程來提高同學的學習效率,繳交完作業後經由同儕的建議能夠進一歩的把作業做得更好。目前網路同儕互評較為人詬病的地方為評論者通常只給分數,較少認真的提出有用的建議,或者受評者獲得的建議無法真正的實行於作業的修改。本研究為了促進同儕能夠多提出有用的建議,設計一個網路同儕互評之「回饋衡量機制」。回饋衡量機制,可用來評估評論者對其他同學所提供的建議是否有用,同時計算提出了多少有用的建議,並給予適當的鼓勵分數,藉以刺激同儕能夠多提供建議以真正達到同儕互評的成效。本研究以某科技大學的電腦應用課程之學生為實驗對象,在網路同儕互評的過程中除了作業的分數以外,提出的建議經由「回饋衡量機制」加以計算也列入成績考量,在研究中發現「回饋衡量機制」有效的提升同儕意見回饋的意願,並且所提供的建議較為有用,顯示同學較認真的評量同儕的作業,藉此間接的提升學習的意願與成效。


Peer assessment is a valuable and effective way to help the learner to examine his or her learning progress; it has been applied in most subjects including science, writing, business, finance, engineering, and medical. Students increase interacting to each other, enhance willingness to learn, exchange different opinions, improve the shortness, and help learn efficiently through peer assessment. The educators suggested that using presentation or portfolio to evaluate what students learned. Through peer assessment, students can enhance their motivation and understanding on studying, in the same time, they learn how to criticize, to accept criticized, and communicate with other people. In general, this helps students in learning. Students can do peer assessment incognito in anytime and anywhere through the internet. The on-line peer assessment is fast and cheap in addition, so it is worth to study. Students’ suggestions and attitudes are important for the success of peer assessment. The system will succeed only if students give the reasonable opinions and the suggestions are acceptable. Students will improve their studying more efficiently by the useful suggestions from other students. This study designs a feedback measurement mechanism for Web-based peer assessment. In the traditional Web-based peer assessment, students can not get the useful suggestions, if the suggestion were not taken seriously. In this study, we design a feedback measurement based on Web-based peer assessment to evaluate peer suggestions. The experimented students are in computer courses, the experiment result show that feedback measurement increases the quality of the opinions.


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