  • 學位論文


Non-school factorsand school factors On University student Learning Achievement.- Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology Department of International Trade

指導教授 : 賴勇成


每一位家長經由學生成績、學習成就而得知學校是否提供學生附加價值,而許多文獻中提及,學生的學習成就可能來自學校因素與非學校因素,在非學校因素中,家長自身表現及文化資本等等都會影響到學生的學習成就取得,而在學校因素中,學校的資源、同儕也會對於學生有所影響。因此,在探討學生學習成就與時間發展效應時,探討期間學校及非學校因素的交互作用,能對於兩者的影響有較客觀的檢驗。 值得注意的是,在文獻中發現少子化對於學生壓力方面有不同文獻,一方認為少子化促使學生獲得更多的教育,達到教育均等,另一方面,學者提出少子化促使學生壓力提高,學生「害怕輸給其他同學」而導致更積極學習,本研究對於此抱持著研究角度,試圖了解是否會因為學生人數的影響而導致學習狀況學習成就。 而學生就讀大學後多數畢業後直接進入社會,而大學所提供的附加價值正是對學生最大的影響,而學生在大學就讀期間一共四年八學期,本研究特別針對本校健行科技大學國際企業經營學系學生做大一至大四的追蹤調查,不同學期做貫時性研究,並對於八學期學生的學習變化,繪製學習曲線,進而討論學生在學習上是否有高原現象或二次成長的變化出現。本研究的目的在探討大學學生學習成就的成長軌跡變化型態,及學校因素與非學校因素在不同時間點對於成長軌跡的影響。本研究結果:學生在不同時間點學習成就是有不同的;學生使用學校資源圖書館期借閱次數也間接影響著學習成就之變化;但加入父母親教育程度做為調節變數時卻沒有明顯影響時間點對於學習成就之影響有其調節變化;但令人意外的是,學生過去畢業高中職當學年依同畢業的學生人數卻對於學生在不同時間點影響學習就是有明顯調節效果;此外將父母親教育程度與應屆畢業高中職人數加入圖書館借閱次數對學習成就之影響變化中,不見有其影響調節程度。


Parents through student achievement, achievement of learning resources provided by the school to determine the literature found the following:student achievement may come from school factors, non-school factors in non-school factors, the parents themselves, cultural capital, and so will affect student achievement, in non-school factors, school resources, peer influence will be for the students. Therefore, to explore the development of student achievement and time effects, the discussed school factors, non-school factors interact and can affect both for a more objective test. Most student employment after graduation, The biggest impact on students additional value provided by schools, a total of four years in college, this study Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology of International Business Management student doing a four-year follow-up survey, done in different semesters Longitudinal studies, observational learning changes, rendering the learning curve, and then discuss whether the plateau phenomenon on learning and growing secondary changes occur. This study aims to investigate the university student achievement growth change in trajectory patterns, and school factors and non-school factors at different points in time to influence the growth trajectory. Results: Different time learning achievement are different; library to borrow the number of changes affecting learning achievement; adding parental educational level no significantly affect the time for the impact of learning achievement; different time points over the past number of graduates is to have impact on learning significant moderating effect; addition to parental education level and number of graduates join the library to borrow impact of changes in the number of learning achievement, there is no degree of regulation.


一、 中文部分
(1) Morrisjfwong,台灣出生死亡人口數 & 六十年趨勢,morrisjfwong.com/blog/台灣出生死亡人口數-六十年趨勢/,民國一百年。
(2) Shanweiping,程序員學習能力提升三要素,http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390586263?page=1#post-395528518,民國一百0二年。
(3) 亢莉,「高校英语职业高原现象探析」,重庆文理学院外国语学院,重庆 永川,教育探索,2010年第10期,民國九十九年。
(4) 內政統計通報,內政部統計處,民國一百0三年第3週。
