  • 學位論文


A Study of TTQS Indicators Implication and Relationship -Take a Business Institute Version as an Example

指導教授 : 林韶姿


在二十一世紀的今天,知識經濟時代的變遷、社會價值觀的改變、資訊的先進技術以及科技的日新月異,在在都挑戰著訓練工作者的專業能力,因此人力資本也愈加講究與多元化。 對於台灣企業而言,為了達到企業永續經營發展,建立一套訓練品質系統並強化企業訓練成效絕對是不可或缺的一環。本研究發展出研究之目的:(一)分析各項評核構面與指標。(二)探討TTQS各項評鑑指標之意涵。(三)分析TTQS指標意涵之關連。 勞動力發展屬於2005年開始規劃推動訓練品質規範,並把我國面對全球化知識經濟社會之挑戰情況納入考量,研擬出適用於國內之「人才發展品質管理系統」,藉以有效促進國家人力資本投資、提升人力品質、厚實職業訓練品質的循環系統。 依據TTQS的精神,企業內部之教育訓練,應以長遠的眼光規劃人力資源發展制度與發展策略性之訓練體系。因此,本研究係以專家深度訪談之方式進行資料之彙集,並採用質化研究進行資料之分析,歸納出三項主要結論如下:(一) TTQS的重要功能之一就是持續改善訓練流程,將訓練品質達到更好的境界。(二)TTQS是一個有系統的人力資源訓練工具,每個指標間皆環環相扣。(三)最終目的都是在促進企業人才能力的提升與提升員工職能,將有系統化地在企業內推動並執行訓練。


In the twenty-first century, the era of knowledge economy changes, with social values, and advanced technology. Challenging the professional competence in all training workers. Therefore, human capital and diversity is more importment today. For Taiwanese companies, in order to achieve sustainable development of enterprises, establishing a quality system and strengthen corporate training effectiveness is definitely an integral part. Thus, there are three purpose in this study. First, to analyze all of the assessment dimensions and indicators of TTQS.Second, to explore the implications of each TTQS indicator.Third, to analyze the corelation among those indicators. WDA began planning the training quality standards since 2005. They took the challenges of the globalized knowledge economy and social situation into consideration, to develop a domestic process "talent development Quality Management System", to promote the national human capital investment effectively, improve manpower quality, and strengthen a cycle of vocational training quality. According to TTQS’s spirit, internal education and training in business should be planned based on long-term vision, policy of human resources development and a strategic training system.Thus, this research based on in-depth interviews with experts to collect the qualitative data and take an analysis.After that, summarized three main conclusions are as follows. First, most importment of TTQS is to improve training process continously to make training quaity better. Second, TTQS is a systematic training tool of human resource. Each of the indicator is closely. Third, the ultimate goal is to promote and enhance human capacity to enhance staff functions, will have systematically promote and execute training in the enterprise.


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