  • 學位論文


How to Attract Tourists From Mainland China to Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳文郎
共同指導教授 : 莊育詩


觀光產業一向有「無煙囪工業」之稱。聯合國世界觀光組織 (United Nations World Tourism Organization, UNWTO)於2004年的分析報告中曾指出,「觀光」是許多國家賺取外匯的首要來源。世界各國的外匯收入中約有8%是來自觀光收益,並預估2020年全球觀光人數將達16.02億人次,全球觀光收益也將達到2兆美元。中國近年來逐步開放人民出境旅遊,2000年到2012年的出境旅遊人數由1000萬人增加到8300萬人,成長了730%,是全球旅遊市場中成長最快速,同時也是亞太地區最大的輸出客源國。UNWTO於2012年12月公布,2012年全球出境旅遊人次已突破10億,全年旅遊業增長介於3.5%至4%之間,而中國遊客是這其中最大的增長動力。 我國於2008年7月開放中國大陸旅客來台觀光,2011年6月開放陸客來台自由行,從2008年7月到2012年底,來台陸客已超過730萬人,2010年開始陸客人數已超越日本旅客,成為入境旅遊最主要的客源,對台灣觀光的發展有重大的影響力。本論文透過資料的蒐集,以交通部觀光局之統計數據與相關的研究文獻加以歸納分析整理,以SWOT分析法來探討台灣有多少資源可以吸引陸客來台觀光,並借鏡亞太鄰近國家吸引觀光客的做法,結合我國的觀光優勢,提出未來可行的做法,以吸引更多陸客來台觀光。


Tourism has been called "the industry without chimneys." In 2004, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has reported that "Tourism" is the primary source to earn foreign exchange for many countries. About 8%of the world's foreign exchange is from tourism. The number of global tourists will be 1.602 billion in 2020 and the global tourism revenues will reach $ 2 trillion. In recent years, affected by the progressive liberalization for outbound tourism of the Mainland China, the people who went aboard have grown to 730%, from 10 million to 83 million persons from 2000 to 2012. In the global tourism market, Mainland China has become the fastest growing and the largest tourists output country in the Asia-Pacific region. In December 2012, UNWTO announced that the number of tourists all over the world has exceeded 1 billion and the rising rate is between 3.5% and 4%. However, the main growth of worldwide tourism is caused by the tourists from the Mainland China. In July 2008, Taiwan government allowed the tourists from Mainland China to Taiwan. In June 2011, the free independent travel policy is allowed for tourists from Mainland China to Taiwan. From July 2008 to the end of 2012, tourists from Mainland China to Taiwan have more than 7.3 million. In 2010, tourists from Mainland China to Taiwan have exceeded over the tourists from Japan. Mainland China tourists have become the most major foreign tourists to Taiwan. Therefore, tourists from Mainland China will deeply impact on Taiwan tourism. In this paper, we analyze the data collected from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau and the relevant research literatures. By comparing and learning from the practices of neighboring countries in Asia-Pacific, we try to explore how many resources can be used in Taiwan to attract the tourists from Mainland China by the SWOT analysis method. We also show that the advantages of Taiwan tourism and propose the available policies for Taiwan tourism in our opinions.


(3)中國出境旅遊資訊網 http://www.outbound-tourism.cn
(4)中國旅遊研究院 http://www.ctaweb.org
