  • 學位論文


Research on Applying Systematized and Innovative Techniques to Deal with Financial Management Problems

指導教授 : 陳立元


摘要 透過系統化創新工具,來解決產品設計及製造工程等問題,在工業管理議題中已產生顯著成效。至今,全世界都仍有財富分配不平均的問題,其中先進國家的M型化問題尤為嚴重,導致年輕人不敢結婚、逃避生育等,進而衍生出人口高齡化的社會問題。我們是否可以使用系統化創新工具來解決?本研究嘗試以系統化解決問題的流程,建立問題模型、找出核心問題,再以發明原則發想解題對策。研究成果列出數項解題策略,是一般專家無法思考到的解答,作為一組合理且可行的對策方案,可以用於財務管理及區塊鏈建置的參考,甚而成為政府計劃退休年金的有效論點。研究成果已在跨境投資活動中進行測試,預期會受到支持,並成為快速成長的區塊鏈,解決財富分配不平均的問題。


Abstract Systematic innovation tools are used to solve problems such as product design and manufacturing engineering, and have produced remarkable results in the subject of industrial management. There are problems with uneven distribution of wealth throughout the world. The problem of M-formation in advanced countries is even more serious. As a result, young people are less likely to marry and have children, and social problems such as aging populations are emerging. Can we use systematic and innovative tools? To solve it? This study attempts to systematically solve the problem of the process, establish a problem model, identify the core issues, and then use the principles of invention to solve the problem. The research results listed several problem-solving strategies, which are answers that cannot be considered by ordinary experts. It is also a set of reasonable and feasible solutions. It can be used as a reference model for financial management and blockchain construction, and even becomes a government retirement annuity. The effective plan. The research results have been tested in cross-border investment activities and are expected to be supported as a fast-growing blockchain to address the problem of uneven distribution of wealth. Keywords: Systematic innovation, Inventive principles, Blockchain, Finance.


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