  • 學位論文

台灣美生菜外銷日本成功因素之研究- 麥寮A公司為例

Research for Taiwanese Lettuce of Export Factors in Japan-Mai Liao A corp.

指導教授 : 陳柏壽


從文獻探討中得知美生菜的外銷量不斷的持續成長,尤其是對於外銷日本的數量更是逐年增加,是否有其特別的因素存在,是一個值得深入探究的課題,此為本研究的背景所在。其中,台灣美生菜的種植重點區域以雲林麥寮為大宗,因而以麥寮A公司為研究個案,欲探討該公司是如何突破出口日本品檢的要求、為何該品牌能夠行銷至日本及出口量能夠成長,此為本研究的動機。 結論發現以下三點 :1.日本國內消費的美生菜出現過度依賴進口的趨勢形成,因此日本的農民自主性增產,來降低對於國外的進口依賴。因此,對於輸往日本的美生菜數量,建議應減少數量,是否轉往其他鄰近國家或轉入內銷市場,以分散集中的單一市場風險。2.麥寮A公司在近年外銷日本數量,佔台灣全部輸往日本的比率約50%左右,另外的約50% 的外銷日本的數量由其他的台灣4家大型生產業者所佔有。麥寮A公司由於另外台灣4家生產業者進行削價競爭的影響,外銷價格無法提升,獲利能力無法提升是一大隱憂。3.對於農藥檢驗品管的問題,依然有待克服。外銷日本約有5%左右的農藥殘留超標,出現被日方退貨的問題。麥寮A公司雖然擁有自己的農藥檢驗設備,目前尚無法達成完全通過安檢的課題。


農藥檢驗 外銷 品牌行銷


From the literature research that the growth of the export of lettuce is constantly growing, especially the number of exported to Japan is growing year by year, whether it has its special factors, it is worth in-depth discussion, the background of this study. Taiwan's lettuce planting center to Yunlin Mai Liao for the bulk, so to explore how A company is to break through the export dilemma, why brand marketing to Japan and exports continue to increase, the motivation for this study. The study found the following three parts: 1. Japan's consumption of lettuce has over-reliance on the increase in imports, so Japanese farmers began to increase their autonomy, to reduce foreign imports. Therefore, for the number of exports to Japan, it is recommended that the reduction in the number, whether it can be transferred to other countries to diversify the risk of concentration. 2. The company exported 450 containers in Japan in 2014, accounting for about 50% of Taiwan's total exports to Japan, and the other about 50% of the number of Japanese exports from other Taiwan's four producers Possessed. Ma Liao A company due to the other four Taiwanese manufacturers to cut prices grab the impact of competition, export prices can not be improved, the profit rate can not be improved is a big worry. 3. Pesticide test problems, still to overcome. Export Japan has 5% pesticide residues more than Japan's standards, and returned to the problem of loss. Company has its own pesticide testing equipment, or cannot achieve the full quality and safety issues.


Pesticide inspection Export Brand marketing


2.白詩瑜,「拒絕中國!郭家兄妹堅持把台灣生菜賣到全世界」, 天下雜誌554期,2014。
5.李宏萍,「農產品安全把關台灣農藥殘留監測技術與管理制度」,農業生技產業季刊 NO.20,第24頁∼29頁,2009。
