  • 學位論文


Module Design and System Development of New Stair-Climbing Trolley

指導教授 : 林仲廉
共同指導教授 : 劉家彰


本研究目的主要在建置一種具備輔助功能的電動手推車,期望能提供結構簡單、穩定性佳和方便操作之攀階手推車,讓勞工能更有效率及安全的完成工作。 本研究參考國外廠商所研發之成品並設計出獨有的連桿機構,使用SolidWorks電腦輔助設計軟體設置3D圖,並進行動態模擬及應力分析,設計出符合其攀階功能的零件,製作出新型爬樓梯電動手推車之各部位以及電器迴路,安裝安全帶及伸縮帶增加負載的穩定,最後進行負重測試檢驗成果。本研究產品與國外相比規格上大同小異,但成本卻遠低於國外產品,構造簡單易於維修,且有助於降低勞工產生職場傷害的情形,對於工作場所的改善有一定程度的助益,亦可成為爬樓梯載具此研發項目的範例,對於往後的載具研究具有相當程度的價值。


手推車 動力輔助 攀爬 連桿機構


The main purposes of this study have assisted in the establishment of a functional electric trolley. Desirable to provide a simple structure, good stability and easy climbing stage operation of the trolley, Let workers can be more efficient and safe completion. In this study, we developed with reference to foreign manufacturers of the products and design unique link mechanism. Using computer-aided design software Solid works design 3D map and dynamic simulation and stress analysis. Designed parts meet its climb step function. Make the various parts of the new electric trolley of stairs and electrical circuits and retractable seat belts with load increase stability; finally, examine the results of load tests. In this study, compared with similar foreign product specifications But the cost is far lower than foreign products, Structure is simple and easy maintenance, and helps to reduce workplace injuries produce labor situation, for improving workplace to some extent useful. Climbing stairs can become an example of the vehicle's R & D projects for subsequent research vehicle has a considerable degree of value.


Trolley Power assist Climbing, Linkage


1. 王開鏹,具爬樓梯功能的推車結構,中華民國專利公告號M342313,2008年
2. 王啟泓,一種電動代步車之座椅保持水平機構與攀階機構的概念設計,國立臺北科技大學機電整合研究所碩士論文,民國九十九年
3. 王世賢,人工輔助爬階輪椅機構之研究,長庚大學機械工程研究所碩士論文,民國九十七年
4. 古文琦,多功能手推車之研發,國立臺北科技大學機電整合研究所碩士論文,民國九十四年
5. 宋國祥,兩足攀爬機器人之研究與製作,雲林科技大學電機工程系碩士班碩士論文,民國九十七年
