  • 學位論文


Development of Electric Scooter with Stair-climbing Capability

指導教授 : 周瑞仁


本研究所開發之爬階暨代步兩用系統,為新型式的爬階輔具系統,可承載物體或人員於平地運行並利用軌道進行階梯的爬升,並將目標使用族群鎖定在行動能力正常,但爬階較為吃力的年長者,以縮小機體的設計減輕重量,以及降低成本。 爬階暨代步兩用系統是由機體平台與爬階軌道兩部分所組成,機體平台為一前輪驅動的四輪載具,尺寸為長40公分、寬70公分與高23公分,其結構分為上層承載平台與下層基座兩部分,使用絞鏈與線性致動器連結,使機體於傾斜狀態下開啟承載平台後側調整角度保持水平姿態,位於四車輪內側皆裝設有鏈輪,用以與軌道進行嵌合爬階;爬階軌道以鏈條作為主體,配合樓梯空間與斜度使用鋁擠型與方型管加工組合出支撐用底座,再將鏈條固定於底座之上組合而成。 實際機體原型重量為19公斤,經實驗測試,於平地以時速6公里的速度直線行走時,會有3.38°的些微偏移情況,但實際操作上可以輕易進行修正,因此可以於平地代步做使用;當承載20公斤物體於斜度33°的階梯爬升時,能以每秒9.3公分的速度爬升,並保持承載物體的水平姿態不致滑落,而最大能爬升的樓梯斜度為40°。


爬階 代步 樓梯軌道 鏈條 樓梯升降椅


This study developed an electric scooter with stair-climbing capability, which is a novel type of stair-climbing system. It can carry objects or a passenger to travel on the ground and climb stairs with tracks. The target group for the system focuses on the elderly with ability to walk but hardly to climb stairs. The scooter with stair-climbing capability is composed of two parts: a vehicle and stair tracks. The vehicle is a front-wheel-drive one with four wheels, and with a size of 40 cm long, 70 cm wide and 23 cm high. The vehicle is divided into two parts: the carrying platform on the top and the chassis at the bottom. The carrying platform and the chassis are connected by hinges and two linear actuators, so that the rear side of the carrying platform can tilt to maintain at leveling attitude. The track is made up of the aluminum frames serving as the supporting base of the track and a series of chains fixed on the base. There are four sprockets in the vehicle for gearing into the chains and one for each wheel. The net weight of the prototype is 19 kg. Based on the experiment data, it can travel straight forward at a speed up to 6 km/hr with a slight offset of 3.38° which can be easily adjusted. Thus, it is suitable for flat ground surface traveling. The vehicle can carry 20 kg loading without slippage while climbing stairs with slope of 33° at a speed of 558 cm/min. The carrier platform can keep the leveling attitude when climbing a stairway with a maximum slope of 40°.


Stair climbing Ground traveling Track Chain Stairlift


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中華民國內政部 (b)。建築技術規則建築設計施工編。台北:中華民國內政部。網址:http://glrs.moi.gov.tw/LawContent.aspx?id=GL000127。上網日期:2019-07-10。
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