  • 學位論文


An Online Controller for SHARP’s Printers with RFID Interface

指導教授 : 洪惟堯


本論文以震旦行所代理SHARP品牌的數位事務機為研發之標的。隨著科技進步,影印機包含描掃、列印與傳真等功能為一,現今稱為數位事務機。在公司中數位事務機除了一般公務上使用外,也常挪用於私人文件。如此,它無形中就讓公司多了一筆開銷,在現今提倡節能、環保的時代下並不符合。故我們將RFID導入數位事務機中,如此可達到對人對數位事務機的有效控管。 而導入RFID的好處,我們不僅可以跟員工識別證結合,在卡片出缺勤上下班管理,另一方面可以使用在門禁上做管制,達到辦公室一卡走透透之目的,避免身上帶多張卡之困擾。在本控制器中,本身除了內建EEPROM來記錄使用者所操作數位事務機的資訊之外,在此控制器中我們嵌入網路晶片,使得本論文所研究的控制器,可透過內部網路以TCP或UDP方式與資料庫做即時資料更新動作,確保使用者操作資料不致於因控制器損壞連帶造成資料遺失的狀況發生,亦可由內部網路來設定控制器內的所有參數值,包含IP、GATEWAY、MAC、MASK以及蜂鳴器開關…等。


This research paper is mainly about the controller of digital printing machine manufactured by Sharp. As the new technology promoted, there is a new invention called digital printing machine including function of copying, scanning, and printing. In a company, not only can it be used for company use but also can it be used for personal documents. Based on that fact, it would higher the expense of the office. As far as ecology is concerned, it is not appropriate to the new epoch. So if we put RFID into the digital printing machine to effectively control the machine and the company staff. One advantage of put in RFID is that we can combine it with the information of staff identification card. We, therefore, can manage the information of presence and absence of company staff. Furthermore, we can monitor the entrance information as well to reach the goal that you only need to carry one card with you in office. To avoid carrying too many cards with you. This controller has a built-in EEPROM to record the information of the user’s operation process; it also is embedded an Ethernet chip. So, this controller, the aim of this research paper, can update its database through the intranet by TCP or UDP Through the intranet can guarantee the user’s operation information from losing because of the break down of this controller. Also users can configure the parameter of this controller through the intranet.


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3. 李宗江,RFID手冊-無線智慧卡與識別卡之基礎與應用,全華圖書,民國九十六年。
4. 余顯強,無線射頻識別技術之應用與效益,中華民國圖書館學會會報第75期,民國九十四年。
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