  • 學位論文


The Analysis Study of Structural Equation Modeling in Work Values, Job Involvement and Competency with Business Performance-A Case Study of Salesperson

指導教授 : 莊育詩


本研究旨在探討以結構方程模式分析工作價值觀、工作投入與專業職能對業務績效影響之研究,使用的研究方法包括文獻探討法及問卷調查法,研究對象為臺灣業務人員。前測共發出50份問卷,實際回收47份,之後對其問卷實施信效度分析,前測分析結果具有高信效度,表示問項具備一定之鑑別度,而加以匯整成正式問卷。運用隨機抽樣法,抽取300位對象進行正式問卷施測,剔除無效問卷後,有效樣本為211份,採用SPSS 及AMOS 軟體進行資料分析。本研究之整體Cronbach α 在0.85 以上、AVE 值、CR 值及SMC 值,均達可信賴水準,所以本研究具有不錯的信度及效度。在整體配適度方面,χ2/df=1.248、CFI=0.986、NFI=0.934、AGFI=0.911、RMSEA=0.034,所以本研究模式具有不錯的解釋力。本研究的六項假設中也有三項具有高度顯著性,重要結果及發現如下:一、業務人員的工作價值觀對於業務績效並無顯著的直接影響,需透過專業職能做為中介變項,後對業務績效才會有極顯著的正向作用。二、工作價值觀與工作投入有正向顯著影響。三、工作投入對專業職能與業務績效無顯著影響。透過上述研究,本研究提出以下幾點建議,共三點作為參考:一、透過銷售規畫使主管了解其員工的工作價值觀與發展方向並使業務人員本身對其業務有合適的目標與方向。二、提供業務人員有適當的升遷管道,藉以提高員工個人自我實現之價值。三、給予員工展現才華的機會,替資淺員工做好職涯規劃,增進其對公司的認同感,建立優秀員工在組織中的名譽與地位。 以實務觀點而言,此研究欲提供業務管理階層更有系統的管理方法,也期望透過推廣與輔導,強化業務人員銷售、應變與績效提升之能力,有效促使組織與個人達到更進一步的業務績效。


This study aims to explore the influence of the work values, work devotion and competency on the work performance by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and adopting the study methods of literature review and questionnaire survey, with the business staff in Taiwan as the subjects. During the pre-test, 50 questionnaires are distributed and 47 are returned. The valid questionnaires were then conducted with validity and reliability analysis. The analysis results show the pre-test has high validity and reliability, indicating the questions has discrimination to some extent, based on which the formal questionnaire are compiled. With the random sampling method, we select 300 subjects to conduct formal questionnaire survey, and 211 valid samples are obtained which were then conducted with data analysis via SPSS and AMOS software. In this study, the overall Cronbach α is over 0.85, and the AVE value, CR value and SMC value of this study all reach the reliable level, indicating the quite good validity and reliability. For the overall fitting, χ2/df=1.248, CFI=0.986, NFI=0.934, AGFI=0.911, RMSEA=0.034, which shows that the model of this study has quite good interpretability. Three of six assumptions of this study obtain highly significances, important results and findings, listed as below: 1. The work value of the business staff doesn’t influence on the work performance significantly and directly. The competency as the intervening variable should be taken to achieve the positive results. 2. The work value is positively influence on the work devotion significantly. 3. The work devotion doesn’t show significant influence on the competency and work performance. Based on the above studies, the following three suggestions are proposed as reference: 1. through sales plan, let the supervisor to know the work value and development direction, and the business staff to find the appropriate goal and direction for their own business. 2. Provide promotion channels to the business staff, so as to improve their self-realization value. 3. Offer the staff with the opportunities to show their talents, enhance their recognition to the enterprise, and build the reputation and status of the excellent staff in the organization. Regarding the practical perspective, this study attempts to provide the business management team with more systematic management means, and expects to strengthen the staff’s abilities of marketing, responding and increasing performance through promotion and instruction, finally achieve better performance for both the organization and the individual.


(1) 江美英,「降低訂單延遲交貨率之探討」,逢甲大學企業經營診斷系統,民國九十九年。
(2) 吳鐵雄、李坤崇、劉佑星與歐慧敏,「工作價值觀量表之編製研究」。台北:行政院青年輔導委員會,民國八十五年。
(3) 李安東,「業務人員專業核心職能與新客戶開發之研究─以商業套裝軟體產業為例」,國立交通大學,管理學院管理科學學程碩士論文,民國九十四年。
(4) 李姿儀,「航空公司內部服務品質與空服員工作投入及服務行為關係之研究」,台灣大學企業管理學系學位論文,民國一百年。
