  • 學位論文


LabVIEW-based Motion Control for an Electric Vehicle

指導教授 : 彭椏富


智慧型電動載具是藉由電腦與機器的輔助,讓使用者能以全自動、半自動或是手動操作方式,更省力且有效率地完成危險或是複雜任務的載具;像是火星探測車-好奇號、Google Car、民航機的自動駕駛…等,皆是實際應用案例。本研究以Matrix 3D機械組件,並結合KNR控制器、個人電腦、直流馬達、無線基地台(AP)、超音波感測器、控制用搖桿、萬向輪等設備建構一智慧型電動載具,軟體部分則運用LabVIEW圖控軟體撰寫測試與控制程式,利用LabVIEW與人機介面,做為使用者與電動載具的平台。實驗結果顯示,電動載具可順利完成所有測試動作,並移動到指定的目的地。


Intelligent electric vehicle can help operators to accomplish task with autonomous mode, semi-autonomous mode or manual mode more efficiency, with less effort and risk through the helping of computer and machine. Mars rover-Curiosity, Google car and autopilot system on the general aviation, those examples above are practical applications in real life.This study developed an electric vehicle. The electric vehicle combines a KNR controller, a personal computer, DC motors, Omni wheels, wireless access point (AP), joystick, ultrasonic sensor, and Matrix 3D machine components. This thesis is focus on the development of control systems of this vehicle. The control logic and UI (User interface) are developed by LabVIEW 2013 (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench 2013), which will be the platform of communication between operator and electric vehicle.The results showed that electric vehicle could accomplish all testing motions and move to destination.


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