  • 學位論文


Discussion on Drones for Disaster Response and Relief Operations in Large-scale Events

指導教授 : 黎驥文


隨著時代在改變,資訊越來越多元,人們從事大型活動的機會也逐漸上升,舉凡馬拉松、演唱會、集會遊行等。也越來越多人參與,自從發生八仙塵爆意外後,多達500位的傷患需要醫療資源,造成醫療資源面臨匱乏。如何有效的醫療資源分配在即時的病人身上是醫療人員最需要坦討的問題。而大型活動會面臨到的另外一個課程,就是將醫療資源迅速傳遞至急救現場的時間考量。 以緊急醫療的觀念,許多大型活動均會遇到民眾出現突發性的心臟疾病,以美國心臟協會(American Heart Association)研究所示,突發性的心臟疾病,50%會在到院前失去呼吸心跳,尤其許多大型活動皆是動態運動,更增加原有心臟疾病患者的突發風險,所以能夠將空拍技術結合醫療,將是未來可見的趨勢。 而今空拍機的盛行,許多大型活動均會使用空拍機進行錄影,空拍機也運用在災後勘查及災前預防的應用上,所以希望能夠將兩者搭配起來,探討空拍機是否能夠及時運用大型活動現場,並且即時監控,透過紅外線或是藍芽感應,結合智慧手環,能夠在許多民眾的現場發現需要救援的人員,並且將極需要的物資載到現場供民眾使用,這就是本論文最重要探討的議題。 而大型活動種類許多,本論文針對大型活動現場進行研究,討論空拍機除了空拍攝影外,是否能夠結合緊急醫療。以常見的緊急醫療為出發點,針對OHCA的患者及時定位,縮短EMS的反應時間,以提升患者的存活率,另外希望能研究當空拍機攜帶載具後,如何能在大量民眾受傷的現場發揮即時監控傳遞訊息的功能,此功能如果提供給消防單位使用,將有助於縮短整體搶救時間。得到結論如下 一、提升救護品質: 提升救護專業:能夠運用科技來解決醫療上的問題,能夠讓醫療效果更好,也能提升醫療的正面專業形象 符合醫療指引:符合緊急醫療的基本原則,能夠縮短搶救病患的時間的方式都是可以執行的方式。 二、後勤成本需求: 後續保養及團隊教育訓練,也需要投入許多的成本,但一但投入足夠的成本,能夠成功救援一名瀕臨死亡的患者,相信這樣的投資是值得的。 三、快速且無礙救援: 藉由空拍機特性能夠無障礙物且快速最短路徑的方式抵達現場,加上能夠救護的範圍面積擴大,能夠提升整體的救援速度。


大量傷患 空拍機 大型活動 救援 醫療


The opportunities for people to engage in large-scale events are rising, such as marathons, concerts, gatherings, etc. Since the occurrence of the Formosa Fun Coast dust explosion, as many as 500 injured patients need medical resources, how to effectively allocate medical resources to save the patients immediately is the most important issue for medical person like doctor,nurse and EMT. Another course that large-scale events will face is the time to quickly transfer medical resources to the emergency site. Nowadays, the popularity of the camera drone, many large-scale activities will use the camera drone to record. The camera drone is also used in post-disaster investigation and pre-disaster prevention, so we hope to explore whether the camera drone is the ability to use large-scale event sites in a timely manner, and real-time monitoring, through infrared or Bluetooth sensing, combined with a smart bracelet. It can find people in need of rescue on the scene, and carry the most needed materials like AED to the scene for the public to use. This is the most important topic of this paper. This study was interviewed by many pre-hospital medical workers and camera drone operators, and analyzed and discussed the use of camera drone in large-scale event sites, and obtained the following conclusions. First, improve the quality of emergency first aid- Improve the profession of emergency first aid-The ability to use technology to solve medical problems, to make medical effects better, and to enhance the positive professional image of medical care. Compliance with medical guidelines-In line with the basic principles of emergency medical care, the way to shorten the time to save patients is a way to perform. Second, logistics cost requirements- Subsequent maintenance,team education and training also require a lot of cost, but once you invest enough cost to successfully rescue a dying patient, I believe that such investment is worthwhile. Third, fast and unimpeded rescue- By means of the characteristics of the air-flight machine, it is possible to reach the scene without obstacles.Even if we can get to the scene fast and shortest path. The area of the ambulance can be expanded to improve the overall rescue speed.


MCI Drones Large-scale Events rescue EMS


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