  • 學位論文


The Research of Evaluating and Selecting Helicopter in Disaster Relief

指導教授 : 何怡慧 蔣大成


在人類文明之破壞造成全球暖化的時代,全球暖化導致天然災害叢生,而世界各國於災變過後,如何在災害救援行動中,選擇與運用有效率的直升機實施人道救援,為災害救援行動的首要步驟。 本研究運用語意變數、層級分析法及逼近理想解排序法等研究工具來建構「直升機救災效能評選模型」,以分析與評選我國目前各種直升機的救災效能,並將此評選資訊提供給政府當作後續添購直升機時之參考,政府如能根據參考資訊,於現實外交環境下採購有助於救災之直升機,將可協助我國在災害發生後,有效發揮直升機的功用,達成快速救災的目的;研究結果顯示,在考慮成本、直升機性能、救災適應性、後勤維修與採購難易度等因素後,本研究認為CH-47系列直升機於世界眾多大型災難救援上表現出色,我國CH-47SD機隊亦同,並建議我國政府如有採購需求,應採購CH-47系列直升機以擴充現有的機群,方能使我國直升機的救災效能極大化。


In this era, the destruction of human civilization has brought about global warming. The phenomenon of global warming generates lots of natural disasters. Therefore, selecting an appropriate helicopter and effectively use it in a rescue mission to save life is the first step in the disaster rescue operation. Research methods including “Linguistic Variable”, “Analytic Hierarchy Process”, and “Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution”, were used in order to build the “helicopter rescue operation performance evaluation model”. Analyze and evaluate the rescue operation performance of each helicopter which our country possesses. The result of the evaluation can be served as a reccomandation for out government’s future military acquisition when buying new helicopters. Taking our suggestions into consideration in military procurement when buying new helicopters may be helpful with better performances in the disaster rescue mission. In the research result, CH-47 seris of helicopter performs better while considering the dimension of cost, helicopter performance, disaster relief adaptability, logistics, maintenance and ease of purchase. On the other hand, CH-47SD helicopter is also the main force helicopter in our country. My reccommandation is that the government should purcharse CH-47 seris helicopter to extend the group of CH-47 seris helicopters in Taiwan in order to maximize the relief effectiveness of our helicopters.


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