  • 學位論文


The Study of Brownfield Develop and Reuse Analytic Assessment

指導教授 : 蕭良豪


因工廠外移、經濟結構改變、土地汙染等因素,許多位於都會區之工業用地因此荒廢閒置成為「棕地」。近年來,在政府推動企業設置工商綜合區之政策,加上民眾對於商圈、購物中心、住宅區的需求,許多原本閒置的老舊廠房一夕之間成為個人或企業投資開發的熱門選項。例如位於桃園中壢的六和紡織,成為海華商圈,並有太平洋SOGO百貨進駐;大江紡織廠成為大江工商綜合區;桃園中南紡織成為愛買百貨;台元紡織廠成為家樂福內壢店,尚有泰豐輪胎廠申請為工商綜合區,商圈的形成使得舊廠房的價值大程度的提昇。然而,並非每宗棕地皆適合投資開發,「棕地之選定」決定該開發案之成敗,棕地之評估成為投資者在開發前期之重要課題。 本研究以德爾菲專家問卷法及層級分析專家問卷法擬定、篩選評估因子後,建立「棕地開發再利用之評估模型」,並以該模型為「台麗纖維廠」、「台灣山葉樂器龍潭廠」、「台灣固特異龜山廠」、「嘉新畜產楊梅廠」、「掬水軒平鎮廠」等五個棕地案例評分、排序。協助投資者在資金有限僅能擇一開發的情況下進行決策。


Due to many factories have relocated, the changing of economic structure and the pollution of land, etc, the industrial lands wasted idle to become Brownfield in the commercial district. The policy is pushed company to set up multi-purpose commercial area by government. According to people require commercial district, shopping mall and residence, many idle old factory originally become personal or business investment in the development of popular options overnight. Take for example: Liu He textile factory has become Hai Hua commercial district with the Pacific SOGO Department Store in Zhung-Li, Taoyuan, Da Jiang textile factory has become Da Jiang multi-purpose commercial area, Zhong Nan textile factory has become Geant outlet , Ti Yuan textile factory has become Carrefour in Ne-Li, and Federal Corpopation has applied for multi-purpose commercial area. Not every brownfield is suitable for investment and development. The success or failure is decided in the development case by choosing brownfield. Brownfield assessment is important topic for investor in the early development. In this study is prepared by the Delphi expert survey method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process expert questionnaires, after screening assessment factor to establish – The model of An Assessment Study of Investment on Brownfield Re-use and Development, and used the model to judge Tai Li textile factory, TaiwanYAMAHA music in Long-Tan, Taiwan Goodyear factory in Gui-Shan, Chia Hsin Livestock Corp and Ju Sui Xuan factory in Yang-Mei number which scored and Gradation. Helping investors make decision to the development at limited funds.


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