  • 學位論文

傳統六標準差模式之認知與ISO 13053規範之比較

A Study on the Differences between the Awareness of Six Sigma Model and ISO 13053 Requirements

指導教授 : 李國樑


在過去近幾十年來,許多企業已經導入六標準差管理。由於六標準差的績效表現在於統計上所代表的意義是接近零缺陷的品質水準,因此可以藉由它降低營運成本及增加獲利。導入六標準差的企業眾多,但一直以來沒有一個完整的規範及檢視系統以至於許多企業「宣稱」他們導入的是六標準差的方法論,但是有可能是不足的,讓人們對於六標準差的全貌產生誤會。在2011年國際標準化組織(International Organization for Standardization, ISO)發佈了ISO 13053條文,這項條文的內容是以六標準差方法論以及使用工具所撰寫,這項條文的公布可以讓企業們導入六標準差找到依循的規範。但在ISO 13053提出得時候,我們發現條文與傳統六標準差的認知有許多的不同,因此本文是運用比較研究法在本文所搜集到的傳統六標準差之認知文獻與ISO 13053條文規範之間做比較,在比較的同時發現傳統的認知與條文間的差異,並利用比較後所得到的結果,讓原本導入六標準差管理的組織做為改善或提升六標準差管理的依據,也讓有意導入六標準差管理的組織可以順利進入六標準差的世界,並針對條文的完整性提出建議,以期能提供ISO在日後條文版本更新時參考讓ISO 13053條文更周延。


ISO 13053 六標準差 DMAIC


In recent decades, the manufacturing industry has successfully implemented the Six Sigma methodology to reduce operations costs and increase profits. Pursing Six Sigma is a goal of a company because it represents nearly zero-defect quality level statistically. However, companies may claim that they have implemented Six Sigma program, but they might not meet the common standard because lacking of a worldwide Six Sigma requirement to follow before 2011. In 2011, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released ISO 13053, it describes a methodology for the business improvement methodology known as Six Sigma. The methodology typically comprises five phases: define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC). This study is utilizing comparative research method to compare between the awareness of traditional DMAIC model of Six Sigma from literatures and ISO 13053. The result of this research will provide information to practitioners to know the gap between traditional way and ISO 13053 requirements. Furthermore, we hope ISO 13053 can be modified and become more comprehensive in the future version by the suggestions of this research.


ISO 13053 Six Sigma methodology DMAIC


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