  • 學位論文

策略聯盟類型與選擇夥伴準則關係之研究 - 以台灣營造與機電業為例

Principles for choosing strategic alliance partners – a case study of the construction industry and the vehicle and mechatronic industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 吳克




策略聯盟 選擇準則


Principles for choosing strategic alliance partners are important issues worth serious attention and researchers have also proposed many relevant principles. However, due to the differences in the nature of regional characteristics, local culture and industries and different firm size, principles for partner selection proposed by researchers vary from one to another. In addition, there are different types of alliances and different types of alliances affect the corresponding principles for partner section. In this study, we categorize alliances into horizontal alliance and vertical alliance. Our study subjects are participants in the construction industry and the vehicle and mechatronic industry in Taiwan and our study is conducted via in-depth interviews to understand the principles which participants choose their horizontal and vertical partners according to. These two types of alliances are compared and the differences in the principles for partner selection are analyzed. Our results show that the principles for horizontal alliance are more complicated, whereas the principles for vertical alliance are simpler. Horizontal alliance partners are likely to be chosen based on complementary resources or relationship with clients, whereas vertical alliance partners are likely to be chosen based on sound financials and establishment of evaluation mechanism.


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2. 巴黎台灣交易中心,「暖冬早春襲法國,服飾成長現異象」,國際商情雙週刊,231期, 24-25頁,民國九十六年。
3. 彭漣漪,「蓋茲還是怕網路這個小玩意」,中國時報,A6版,民國九十七年。
4. 譚天譯,「策略聯盟:聯盟企業將使全球商務改頭換面」,第5章「如何建構一個關係企業」,智庫文化出版,161-180頁,民國八十九年。
