  • 學位論文


A Study on Personnel Evaluation and Disadvantageous Treatment of Unfair Labor Practice in Japan Enterprises

指導教授 : 郭玲惠


雇主出於打擊工會之意圖,對於工人擔任工會職務而拒絕僱用或解僱及為其他不利之待遇、介入工會事務,進行各種支配、控制行為等成立不當勞動行為。人事考核本為雇主經營管理權限範圍,雇主訂立一定基準來評價勞工知識、能力、經驗、個性,以及過去完成業務之實際成績、發揮能力之成果,再加以區分等第並留存紀錄,作為人事管理之資料。雇主掌握人事經營權,有時會以考績作為手段,濫用考核權限,藉由不利益待遇剷除與資方明顯對立之工會成員,在工會法上究應如何處理此問題以維護工會成員權益,成為本文研究目的。實務上發生考績差別待遇案件時,牽連範圍相當廣泛,除了產生工會法上問題外,同時亦可能涉及就業服務法、性別工作平等法之領域。本文研究內容主要針對工會法上考績差別待遇之處理方式,探求考績在不當勞動行為制度中不利益待遇之形成,以及相關問題之解決方法。 本文研究係以日本制度為核心,因此針對日本人事考核制度、不當勞動行為制度、考績差別不利益待遇之問題,進行相關文獻之蒐集及分類。舉凡專書、期刊、判決、網路資源等內容,藉此欲探究制度發展之軌跡、學說見解之討論、與實務判決之傾向。透過文獻分析法、比較研究法、綜合歸納法等研究方法,選擇多種方式綜合運用及整理,以期作一全面研究。制度介紹上亦結合學說和實務內容,綜合觀察並歸納結果。 本文研究成果為考績不利益待遇案件中,有關舉證方法之運用、救濟期間之解釋、以及救濟命令之內容,藉由日本制度於實務案件之觀察,提出我國目前法制上之缺失;另外,針對實務上案件之應用,未來裁決委員會進行裁決程序時之建議,亦於本文結語中略有論述。


Unfair labor practices refer to certain actions taken by employers to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of labor unions, including disadvantageous treatment, collective bargaining, yellow-dog contract, and so on. As one of employers’ management rights, personnel evaluation is implemented in setting standards to evaluate knowledge, ability, experience, personality, and performance of labors by giving ranking. The aim of this Article is to analyze how to solve the problem that when employers who control abuse personnel management rights sometimes abuse rights to eradicate labors of labor unions. Actually, discrimination of personnel evaluation involves labor unions, Employment Services Act, and Gender Equality in Employment Act. The contents of this Article mainly deal with discrimination of personnel evaluation in labor law, especially discussing the formation of disadvantageous treatment, and related solutions.  These main ideas of this Article are systems in Japan regarding personnel evaluation system and unfair labor practices systems. Through collecting and categorize studies in books, journals, and judgments, it is helpful to realize the development of systems and discussions. Therefore, using documentary analysis and comparative analysis is important to generally summarize main ideas. When introducing the contents of systems, this Article contains not only theories but also judgments to get conclusion.  Focusing on cases of personnel evaluation and disadvantageous treatment, this Article pays attention to the operation of method of proof, the explanation of application period, and the contents of order for relief. By observing judgments concerning personnel evaluation and disadvantageous treatment in Japan, this Article intends to review the relief procedures in Taiwan, and provides suggestion for administrative remedies through the Labor Commission in the future.


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焦興鎧,我國就業歧視評議制度之現況及實施檢討評析,臺灣大學法學論叢第31 卷第2期,頁172,2002年3月。


