  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Strategies for Taiwan Banks to Develop Banking Business in China

指導教授 : 陳春山


台灣係一個以出口為導向的經濟體,出口總值占GDP之比重超過60%,兩岸經貿活動隨著大陸近年來經濟快速起飛及兩岸關係之緩和已日益密切,自2002年起,台灣出口至大陸地區比重突破30%,至2009年更達41%。而台商企業因受到國內投資環境日益惡化,紛紛赴大陸設置生產基地,以降低成本、提升競爭力,連帶地對融資及資金調度產生需求,帶來銀行業龐大的商機。而銀行業基於參予大陸經濟成長、市場規模、利差及跟隨客戶腳步走等因素,亦思考進入中國市場。 台灣與中國大陸過去受限於政治隔閡,未能洽簽金融MOU,以致於兩岸雖分別於2001年及2002年加入WTO,惟仍無法互設金融機構,導致赴大陸營運之台商企業之融資及資金調度產生不具效率性之運作模式,亦間接削弱台商企業的競爭力;適逢2008年台灣地區政黨輪替,兩岸金融MOU得以於2009年11月16日簽訂,而ECFA早收清單亦於2010年6月29日於重慶簽署;金融MOU生效後及ECFA之簽署,已為台資銀行謀求更有利之戰略位置,爰各銀行均已摩拳擦掌以一展所長。 為了解中國金融市場現況及現階段銀行業赴大陸發展可能之策略運用,本研究以文獻整理及訪談方式,歸納整理出台資銀行進入中國市場策略模式;透過文獻整理及訪談發現中國金融市場相較於國際金融市場,其開放度仍不足,國有企業比重仍高,又、大陸地區幅員廣大、金融機構尚未普及,導致匯款效率性仍有不足及融資市場因融資對象不同,產生之差異性極大。另、信用機制尚未普及,相關之金融商品發展與國際間仍有段差距;而金融業營運所涉及之法規、制度,尚未完全明確化,中央及地方各司其職,對赴大陸投資之金融機構產生經營上風險。即將赴大陸投資之金融機構其評估規劃時,除營運獲利考量外,相關法律、制度風險亦需詳加考量以為周全。 本研究認為台資銀行於大陸發展金融業務應依個別銀行競爭利基作個別規劃,初期宜挑戰風險低、成功率高的業務辦理,中長期之長遠發展仍應以在地化之優勢業務,尋找適宜之策略夥伴為之。


Taiwan is an export-oriented economic entity with the export value accounting for more than 60% weighted in GDP. Recently, the cross-strait economic and trade activities rapidly take-off and the cross-strait relationship has become closer. In 2002, Taiwan's exports to the mainland China break through 30% and came up to 41% in 2009. As the domestic investment environment are deteriorating, Taiwanese companies have set up production bases in mainland China to reduce costs, enhance competitiveness. That gives rise to corporate finance and capital needs which bring huge business opportunities in the banking industry. The banks, therefore, are thought to involve in the mainland China economic growth and follow the step of customers entering the Chinese market. Limited by the political divide in the past, Taiwan and mainland China could not contact the signature of financial MOU. Although both sides joined the WTO in 2001 and 2002 individually, there are still not any financial institutes operated in both sides. It also caused Taiwan enterprises lack of flexibility of finance and capital operating, and lost the business competitiveness. Thanks to the rotation of political parties in Taiwan in 2008, the cross-strait MOU and ECFA have been signed on November 16, 2009 and June 29, 2010 separately. The commencement of financial MOU and ECFA, offers Taiwanese banks seeking more favorable strategic position and they have been gearing up to demonstrate their skills. To understand the current situation of China's financial markets and the banking industry at the present stage of the strategy may use, this study make use of literature review bibliography and interviews Taiwan banks to enter the Chinese market strategy model. Through literature review and interviews, the banks can find that compared with China's financial market and international financial markets, China's financial market is still less than its openness and the business proportion of state-owned enterprises is still high. Meanwhile, the mainland China’s vast territory and lack of financial institute cause remittance operation inefficient. In the finance market, the financial policy also depends on different customers. On the other side, the credit system is still unpopular, and circum financial products developments are still having gaps from the international segment. Besides, the financial industry involved in the law regulations and operating system, is not yet completely clear. The function and responsibility of central and local financial offices are different and their distinct duty performing increases the operation risk of foreign financial organizations in the mainland China. The assessment plans of those financial institutions that are about to invest in mainland China should considerate not only comprehensive operating profit but also the relevant laws and system risk. This study suggests that the financial business development of Taiwanese banks in China should be in accordance with the competitive advantage of individual bank under individual planning. In the beginning, it should select the low-risk business and easy accomplishments business to challenge. In the long-term, it should focus on advantages of localization business and cooperate with proper Strategic Partners.


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