  • 學位論文


The Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty: A Focus on the Theory of Sovereignty

指導教授 : 莊世同


「全球化」這個名詞為生活在現代的我們所耳熟能詳,但是對於其內容又是眾說紛紜、莫衷一是;全球化影響的層面廣泛,而在參與全球化的過程當中,國家主權與全球化的關係,向來就是個炙手可熱的主題。 本文試著透過民族國家與主權概念的發展,以及對於全球化的論述,試著討論全球化對國家的主權將會產生怎樣的影響。本文將透過對於民族國家興起的過程、以及民族國家的特性及內涵的論述,試著去型塑當代國家的概念;透過對於西伐利亞模式的討論,來建構國家在國際活動中扮演的角色。針對主權概念的部分,本文透過分別從歷史及理論兩方面加以論述,將主權概念的定義作一釐清,得到了主權對內及對外的特性:獨立性及排他性;接下來透過主權對外的特性,討論主權在國際活動中,具有哪些特性 在全球化的部分,本文先論述全球化的歷史進程,藉此導入對於全球化的學說爭議,然後藉著對於學說爭議的整理,來論述本文對於全球化為何要採轉型主義,去定位全球化為正在發生的歷史進程。而國家主權在此一進程中,產生了「量變」與「質變」,行使的範圍受到了限制,但是主權的作用卻因為擺脫了固有國家的框架,而獲得了增強。


The discussion about the impact of globalization is quite popular, especially the impact on state sovereignty. This thesis generally takes three parts to discuss the impact of globalization on state sovereignty: firstly, I try to build a model of modern state through the historical discussion of the rise of nation-state; secondly, through the historical and theoretical discussions, I try to define sovereignty, and then bring this theory into global level. At last, I give the word “globalization” a definition through historical and theoretical discussion, and then I begin to discuss the impact of globalization on state sovereignty. The impact of globalization on state sovereignty will cause two changes: both on quantity and quality. The change of quantity is that sovereignty is limited by lots of global orders, so that the state could not do everything on its free will. The change of quality is that through the participation of global organizations, the state could achieve much harder goal on governing its country, such as goods and nature resources exchanges. State sovereignty could elaborate well on the global level; by bearing some limitations the state government could govern much more easily. So, the impacts of globalization on state sovereignty limit the free-will to work in the inner side of the frame of state, but enforce the function of sovereignty on global level.


1.Bodin, Jean
2.Brownlie, Ian
The Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationalism, Sage Publication first published 2006, London, England
