  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on the Criminal Immunity of Chief of State

指導教授 : 陳春生 陳新民


本篇論文主要從美國、德國與法國等三個不同憲政體制的國家來看「國家元首之刑事豁免權」的問題。撰寫本篇論文的動機主要是源自於台灣高等法院檢察署檢察官於2006年6月29日就時任總統之陳水扁先生有關「國務機要費」的使用問題所進行的偵查,進而衍生出是否與憲法第52條相牴觸之爭議。本項爭議雖因司法院大法官於2007年6月15日作成釋字第627號解釋而暫告解決,然而牽涉本條的問題決非以此為限。正本清源的辦法還是應該透過「比較憲法」的角度來檢視現代立憲主義國家所可能面臨的類似難題,進而提出解決的方法。 在論文的架構上,本文是從美國的法制經驗出發,首先探討「總統制」國家的代表–美國–在憲法未有明文保障總統免於刑事訴究的情形下,如何依憑憲法解釋以解決所面臨的衝突與困境。再者,則討論「內閣制」國家–德國–對於虛權總統在面臨刑事訴究時,如何在「地位尊榮」與「司法正義」間求取平衡。此外,為因應現實政治需求而出現的「雙首長制」國家–法國–在總統面臨一連串的政治獻金醜聞案之後,相關憲政機關如何在現實中求取妥協,進而憑藉政治力完成修憲,此部分亦為本文所關心的焦點。最後,回歸到我國,藉由上述各該現代立憲主義國家的憲政經驗以檢討釋字第388號以及第627號解釋的不足,並建議應透過修憲的方式刪除憲法第52條,以符合法治國家「司法公正」之要求。


This thesis discusses about Chief of State Immunity and especially focuses on the issue of chief of state immunity from prosecution. In this thesis the author also presents how the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the French Republic deal with this issue under their constitutional regimes. At the beginning of the thesis, the author introduces how American practice handles this issue first. Under the constitutional of the United States the President does not enjoy immunity from prosecution. Thus, the courts are used to rely on constitutional interpretation to solve any dilemma arisen from the issue. Different from American practice, German look at this issue from a different perspective. In case of the Federal President is prosecuted for criminal offences, the courts will consider how to maintain the honor of the Federal President while pursuing justice. French practice provides a third way to deal with the issue. In France the authority prefers amending constitution to “rationalize” the application of chief of state immunity. Among three above solutions, the French way is what the author most interested and also an important part in this thesis. After presenting how above countries deal with the issue under their constitutional regimes, the author exams how to treat this issue under the constitution of our country. Through examination as well as comparing it with those practices in above countries, the author discovers and concludes that our constitution is deficient in dealing with the issue of chief of state immunity from prosecution. In order to solve this problematical issue under our constitution, the author proposes deleting Article 52 of our constitution through constitution-amending.


