  • 學位論文


Ideal and Reality of Enterprising of the Non-profit Organization--A Study of Social Welfare Organizations

指導教授 : 林淑馨


近幾年來,國內外事件、政府政策的走向,直接或間接影響社福型非營利組織在募款方面,造成排擠作用。因此,從事社會事業化來籌措經費,達到財務的自給自足,以穩定組織的運作,是社福型非營利組織無可避免的手段。 然而,在現實生活中,仍舊發現社福型非營利組織從事社會事業化後,反而入不敷出,甚至以結束收場,故本研究欲探討非營利組織社會事業化可能產生的問題,再加上,研究社福型非營利組織事業化的碩博論文中,大多以財團法人社福型非營利組織為主,對於社團法人社福型非營利組織的研究可說是少之又少,綜合以上因素,本研究欲透過財團法人與社團法人社福型非營利組織的探討,除了彌補文獻的不足外,也藉由非營利組織的專業知識和豐富經驗,以了解社會事業化中,所遭遇的問題和困境,以提供欲從事社會事業化的非營利組織,一個參考的方向。 本研究採取的研究方法有文獻分析法和深度訪談法,前者為藉由國內外相關文獻的檢閱、整合,來建構本研究的理論基礎;後者為訪談實務界的非營利組織,以補足文獻所缺乏的。結果發現,在產品或服務方面,財團法人非營利組織所生產的包含有形的產品與無形的服務兩種,而社團法人非營利組織所生產的僅有有形的產品;在通路方面,除了有文獻所提到的「實體店面」和「網路」外,還多了「流動性通路」;而在推廣方式上,財團法人非營利組織最主要採用「報章雜誌」,而社團法人非營利組織最主要採用「DM」與「網路」;而招募社會事業化所需的相關專業人員,財團法人非營利組織採用的方式為「外部徵召」與「內部培養」兩種,而社團法人非營利組織僅透過「外部徵召」來招募所需的相關專業人員;而在從事社會事業化面臨所遭遇的困境方面,有社團法人受訪機構表示,由於組織的性質非財團法人,因此,政府的補助相對給得較少,另外,從訪談內容中得知,無論受訪機構的法人性質為何,在從事社會事業化的過程中,大部份受訪機構曾經經歷過財務困難的問題,故無論受訪機構的法人性質為財團法人或社團法人,在從事社會事業化時,財務的控管仍舊是重要的議題。


Governmental policy, internal and international events affect fundraising of social welfare non-profit organization directly or indirectly. Therefore, adopting enterprising is inevitable way to reach autarky and stabilize operation of social welfare organization. However, enterprising of the social welfare non-profit organization unable to make ends meet in real life, this study want to understand the problem of enterprising of the social welfare non-profit organization. Secondly, research of enterprising of the social welfare non-profit organization, study case of foundation social welfare non-profit organization largely, study case of association social welfare non-profit organization is rare. Briefly, the study of this study hope to adopt both foundation and association social welfare non-profit organization, not only add literature, but also provide a way of enterprising of the social welfare non-profit organization. Two research methods were adopted in this study: the first method was literature analysis to review domestic and international papers and build research frame. The second method was taking the depth interview social welfare non-profit organization to make up for lack of papers. Discovery of this study in product or service side, foundation social welfare non-profit organization include both tangible product and invisible service, association social welfare non-profit organization have only tangible product. In place aspect, in addition to “shop” and” internet” mention in the papers, fluid place are usually adopted by foundation and association social welfare non-profit organization. In promotion side, foundation social welfare non-profit organization use newspapers and magazines mostly, and then association social welfare non-profit organization use DM and internet mainly. In recruiting related professional dimension, foundation social welfare non-profit organization adopt two ways, inclusive of recruiting from outside and training employees to be professional. Afterward, association social welfare non-profit organization recruit from outside. In the difficulties of enterprising aspect, association social welfare non-profit organizations show that governmental subsidy less because organization is not foundation. What is more, regardless of nature of organization, most of social welfare non-profit organizations have experienced financial difficulties. Consequently, controlling finance is important topic for social welfare non-profit organizations.


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陳湘晴(2014)。政府與非營利組織之協力關係: 以台中市政府愛心食物銀行為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201414225443
