  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between the inmates tattooing motivation and criminal behavior. (Taipei prison as an example)

指導教授 : 黃富源


本研究旨在研究台北監獄受刑人的紋身行為與犯罪次文化之間的相關性。研究對象七人,年齡層分布廣泛,老中青皆有之,他們身上的紋身不是面積大就是種類多。而研究方法採深度訪談,再以紮根理論導出研究發現。本研究的目的如下: 1.瞭解北監受刑人紋身行為的動機,以及紋身圖案的象徵意義。 2.瞭解受刑人紋身行為與犯罪的關聯性。 3.探討受刑人紋身行為的次文化意涵。   研究結果發現受訪者皆在青少年時期表現出明顯的偏差行為,例如高風險行為、學業中輟翹課、進出不良場所等,甚至是菸酒賭毒。同時,受訪者的同儕中,有相當高的比例具有紋身,而且犯罪情形屢見不鮮。受訪者的紋身歷程皆表現出次文化影響力。而紋身的條件有三:一是有時間,二是有錢,三是不怕痛,每位受訪者紋身動機不盡相同,也不曾去瞭解過每個圖案所代表的意義,因為對他們而言,紋得好看才重要,追求整齊美觀。紋身對受訪者有其象徵性、威嚇性以及藝術性。對於受訪者而言,他們不喜歡在身上紋刺與人相同的圖案,而且身上的紋身也容易造成主流文化與次文化的衝突。另外,青少年在求學階段時,若因為好奇與好玩等因素,而尋求紋身,並且由技術生疏的同學施作,這類試針的圖案往往是粗糙且不精美的,無法與紋身師傅的紋身相比。再者,研究者認為現今社會對紋身有幾點迷思如下: 1.紋身代表的意義:紋身者的重要他人應深入瞭解,而非任意上標籤。 2.紋身者特徵:紋身者分布於社會上各個階層。 3.紋身者不等同於犯罪者:紋身者未必會犯罪,但是若紋身者表現偏差行為,則紋身者在將來有較高的傾向會犯罪。   同時,研究者提出建議,供相關機構參考:家庭方面,應強化家庭教養功能;學校方面,改革教育體制及加強心理衛生工作;矯治機構方面,落實更生保護工作。


紋身 受刑 台北監獄 次文化


This study examines the relationship between inmates’ tattooing behavior and criminal subculture among 7 inmates in Taipei prison. All their bodies were covered with either various kinds or large areas of tattoos. The purpose of this study is as followings: 1. To understand inmates’ motivation in tattooing, as well as symbolic meanings of the tattoos. 2. To understand the relevance between the inmates’ tattoos and crime. 3. To explore subculture implications of the inmates’ tattooing behavior.   In this study, first-hand information was gathered by in-depth interviews held with the seven respondents. Data was first collected and analyzed by computer software, and then inductive interpretation of the findings was further developed by grounded theory methodology. The results claimed that all of the respondents showed significant deviant behavior in adolescence during their teenage years. Including high-risk behaviors, school dropouts, cutting classes, entering inappropriate places, drinking, smoking, gambling, and drugging. In addition, high percentages of tattooing along with high crime rates were found in their peers. All tattooing history/procedures of the respondents showed the influences of the sub-cultures. That is, tattoos could only be done under the following three conditions: having enough time, having enough money, and not being afraid of pain. Each respondent held a different tattooing motivation. Furthermore, they often get tattoos without understanding the meaning of each pattern because for them, the most important part is to have the patterns nicely and neatly tattooed. Tattoos have symbolic, deterrence as well as artistic meanings for the inmates. For respondents, they do not like having same tattoos patterns as others. In other words, they like to have unique patterns. Also, body tattoos are likely to cause conflict between the mainstream culture and the subculture. Teenagers in school years often get tattoos because of curiosity, fun, and other factors. Their tattoos were mostly done by their untrained peers using needles, which were mostly roughly done and indelicate; can not be compared to the work done by a professional tattoo master. To conclude, the researchers believe that a few myths towards tattooing exist in our current society: 1. Meaning for tattooing: significant others of the inmates should understand motivations of the inmate getting tattoos instead of simply tagging them. 2. Characteristic of the inmates: people with tattoo exist in all parts of the society and share different backgrounds rather than just belonging to a particular gang or criminal mind. 3. People with tattoos are not equivalent to offenders: People with tattoos may not turn into criminals, but with deviant behaviors, they are more likely to commit crimes in the future.   At the same time, recommendations were made by the researcher for relevant institutes that: families should strengthen their family education, schools should have their education system innovated and place emphasis on mental health work, and correctional facilities should strengthen the implementation of the Rehabilitation protection work.


Tattoo Inmate Taipei Prison Subculture


