  • 學位論文

林紓翻譯西方言情小說的接受與影響 ~以《巴黎茶花女遺事》、《迦茵小傳》為研究對象~

A Study of the R eception of Lin Shu’s Translation of W estern R om ance N ovels and its Legacy in C hina: the C ases ofLa dam e aux cam elias and Joan H aste

指導教授 : 侯迺慧




In this thesis,w e w ill ues textual analysis,com parative approach, and acceptance theory to find out the reception and the influence ofLin Shu’s Translation of W estern R om ance N ovels.A t lates Q ing dynasty,the thought at that m om ent w as focus on conerning about country and people,the rom ance novels w as a special topic.Lin Shu translated La dam e aux cam elias and Joan H aste in traditional C hinese w hich w as popular in the society. The different elem ents from w estern m ust have culture crush on the origenal view to C hinese people on the view of love ,sociality space,and noticing about R om anticism and C apitalism .There w ere tw o topics w hich w ere w orthed discussing about .First,H ow did those factors m ake influence to traditionalfeudal thoughts? W hat kind of culture m eaning did translators have added and deleted som e of the content?Second,w hich part of the content or w riting stratagy had adopied from La dam e aux cam elias and Joan H aste w hich had show n a kind of sorrow style?In this thesis, w e w ill try to com pare La dam e aux cam elias and Joan H aste w ith”Y u Li H un”,” N ie Y uan Jing”,and” M em ories of a D rifting Life”and,in order to know that w hile w estern culture com ing through,did those article lead any kind or topics or ideas? In the latest Q ing dynasty to the M ay 4th M ovem ent of 1919,the m odern C hinese is getting m ore hapi m ore popular,butLin Shu translated La dam e aux cam elias and Joan H aste in traditional C hinese.A fterLin Shu, w e could see that a lot of authors had chosen traditional C hinese as w riting language. W e have six chapter in this thesis.It has been davited into “introduction”,”The conditon of latest Q ing dynasty”,”The boom ing of w estern translation rom ance novel”,”The difference betw een original conent and translation one ”,and” the reception and the influence ofLin Shu’s Translation ”and “conclution”.The last part of the article w ill think of the developm ent of C hinese rom ance novel and the new ideas com e from w estern story.


蘇昌美,《愛的哲學》,臺北市:東大出版,1983 年。
Perspectives on 19th and 20th Century Chinese Fiction)》,臺北:麥田出版,城邦
臺北市:聯經出版社,2009 年。
社,2009 年。


