  • 學位論文


The Study of Performance Evaluation on the Public Sector Project – the case study of “Internship Program for University/College Graduate Students” by the Ministry of Education

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


隨臺灣政經環境變遷,政府以方案型態推出就業服務越趨增多。實務上,政府居多以量化方式進行方案績效評估;學術上,僅有少數針對此作績效評估之研究,故本研究認為政府方案應被徹底檢視,亦實有對其施行質量並重績效評估之必要性。本文特以教育部推動第一階段「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」為研究個案,其符合公部門專案特性外,另係因此方案推行之初遂引起各界撻伐,且俗稱「22K」負面效益迄今仍持續影響就業市場。 職是之故,本文研究目的及研究問題即為: 一、以專案管理與績效評估理論為基礎,建構專案績效評估架構。進而以「質為主、量為輔」之研究方法,運用立意抽樣及滾雪球式抽樣策略方式找出具代表性方案利害關係人(包含政策制定者—教育部、政策執行者—大專院校、政策受益者—參與方案學生與企業、代表政策犧牲者)進行質化深入訪談,同時輔以官方和民間相關量化問卷調查資料,評估本研究個案執行及結果績效,又其符合利害關係人需求之情形。 二、運用結合績效評估及平衡計分卡之創新評估指標,透過方案利害關係人瞭解影響本研究個案績效良窳原因,對受爭議問題提出解決方法,亦藉此重新檢視績效評估運用於公部門專案之情形,提出未來如何建構績效良好並更符合利害關係人需求之公部門專案相關政策建議。 依本文建構之主要四大績效評估構面所得研究發現並提供具體政策建議如下: 一、「專案執行能力」構面:方案行銷管道多元,但前期多數不瞭解方案實質內容、方案行政流程於學生申請方面屬順利,面對企業申請前期則有困難、方案具定期及不定期考核機制,普遍過於制式化;建議善用宣導管道,增加民眾對政府推動方案之瞭解以及建構前、中、後期績效評估機制。 二、「專案顧客」構面:方案整體滿意度呈滿意狀態,原先期望和實際需求大致相符、方案推行增加企業對大專畢業生社會新鮮人之雇用率;建議對參與方案對象設定篩選機制、就業方案採取部分補貼並隨地區生活水準調整。 三、「專案社會及經濟效益」構面:方案預算執行及資源使用情形皆控制良好、方案亦帶來正面影響與效益;建議方案建構周全機制再行推動較佳,並可借重各政府單位專業,合作推動政策方案。 四、「專案目標」構面:方案推動者和執行者對於績效目標認知不同、第二階段方案補貼方式,為未來可續推行方向;建議須釐清短期薪資補貼vs.實習方案,並瞭解導致失業問題真正原因,從根本解決。 綜合檢視本研究個案績效評估實證分析結果與一般社會評論之部分差距,本文即以樣本選擇及學者Lindblom與Wildavsky所提「社會互動(social interaction)」概念作批判說明。


Along with the shift of Taiwan’s political and economic climates, the government of Taiwan begins to offer more and more employment serve type of projects. In practices, these projects’ performances are evaluated on qualitative basis. Yet in the academic field, few researches were conducted to assess the public sector methodology on performance evaluation. Consequently, this study finds public sector project performance evaluation was largely ignored in the academic field, and it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis on governments’ methodology in project performance evaluation. The study utilizes a case study on the first stage of “Internship Program for University/College Graduate Students” offered by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. The case study not only aligns with the focus of this project on public sector analysis, but also focuses on the controversial issue, known as the ‘22K’, from all perspectives of the public, private, and academic fields. Its negative effects is still damaging Taiwan’s employment market, and is indeed a major concern on the economic outlook for Taiwan. Consistent with the arguments above, the purpose and scope of the study will focus on: 1. Develop a framework for project performance evaluation by utilizing project management and performance evaluation theories as fundamentals. Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis will be conducted through utilizing purposive sampling and snowball sampling to identify project stakeholders (including policy makers from the Ministry of Education, policy implementers from Universities or Colleges, policy beneficiaries from Universities or Colleges students, enterprises, who join the project, and the representatives of policy victims) for in-depth interview. At the same time, a questionnaire will be distributed among both public and private sectors to assess the progress and performance of the project as well as the needs of the stakeholders. 2. To suggest policy recommendations for developing a public sector project that can most benefit its stakeholders. Innovation indicators will be developed by combining performance evaluation with balanced score card. Through utilizing the indicators to assess project stakeholders, the reason for poor project performance can be identified, and can be assessed in creating a recommending policy for future project development. In line with the four dimensions of performance evaluation process, the study was able to conclude the following findings and policy recommendations: 1. “Project Implementation Ability”: Though the project marketing channel is quite diverse, the understandings on project contents are quite low. For students, the process of application is quite smooth, but enterprises face obstacles while applying the project at early stage. The project has regular and irregular evaluation mechanisms, but over institutional. Consequently, we suggest to develop a channel for propaganda as a mean to enhance society’s understanding on public project and the project should establish pre, during, and post-performance evaluation mechanisms. 2. “Project Customers”: As expected, stakeholders are satisfied with projects’ overall performance. The implementation of the project did increase the employment for the enterprise to employ recent or college graduate. Consequently, we suggest developing a selection mechanism among the participants, and providing partial subsidy in accordance with the standard of livings in certain areas. 3. “Project Influence on the Economy and the Society”: The overall budget and resource utilization are in line with the planned output in a good manner, and the project is brining positive influences and effects to both the society and the economy. Nevertheless, the process could be improved by introducing a sound mechanism that is capable of integrating the resources from all departments, and creating a collaborative relationship between the departments to increase the efficiency of the project implementation. 4. “Project Objectives”: Project promoter and project implementers have different understanding on performance objectives. In addition, government could promote the way how subsidy is provided in the second stage of the project in the future. Consequently, it is suggested that government will need to clarify the differences between short-term salary subsidies and internship project, and assess the root cause of high employment rate, and work from the fundamentals. In sum, the study was able to assess case specific performance evaluation mechanisms by conducting empirical analysis in the differentiation between social criticisms and project outputs. The study was able to utilize sample selection and the concept of “social interaction”, introduced by Lindblom and Wildavsky, into critical analysis on why the gap exists.




