  • 學位論文


The Restoration Process of Victims Suffered from Bereavement Due to Criminal Incidents

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


本研究以質性的半結構深度訪談,邀請六組共七位被害者遺屬訴說在歷經親人因被害事件而身故後之歷程,以瞭解其如何因應生活與情緒上的種種課題,並從其主體訴說經驗中探索其如何詮釋與轉化事件之意義而展現復原導向。 本研究將復原歷程依過程中不同的生活課題、情緒反應及因應策略歸納為五時期:急性震驚期、事務處理期、重新整合期、司法處理期、後續調適期。發現犯罪被害者遺屬的復原歷程與過往喪親的哀傷調適理論大致相符,但與加害人糾結關係與司法經驗可能讓調適歷程更為複雜與艱辛,主要原因在於加害者的態度不佳與誠意不足,雙方在事發過後至司法過程中亦少有真誠、理性、平等的溝通時機與管道,司法過程冗長而繁複,法庭亦無法回應被害者金錢以外的需求。 從研究參與者的經驗中也發現,因事件衝擊與保護因子的強度不同,所歷經的復原時間長短有頗大的差異,但充足的社會資源、個體對事件正向的意義詮釋與生命價值的體驗與創造是被害者遺屬得以復原的共同原因。 最後,研究者從研究參與者的經驗中對現有保護架構提出四點建議: 1. 外在支持力量應持續介入關懷,連結並整合所有可運用資源,佳節或紀念日時更應該給予適時的慰問與陪伴。 2. 提供喪親者在生活世界中述說生命故事的情境與機會,讓未處理的不平情緒得以釋放,並從被害事件中察覺失落的意義及生命的意義。 3. 提供曾有相同境遇者經驗分享的管道,例如成立被害人遺屬之支持互助團體,或鼓勵被害人遺屬轉當志工。 4. 降低被害者司法經驗上的傷害與緩衝,包括增進相關司法人員的同理心,例如對於警察地檢署內人員以及法院人員進行職前及在職訓練,鼓勵檢察官與法官陪同犯保人員至被害者家中訪視等,朝整體療癒式司法的目標邁進。


This study adopted a qualitative approach to explore the restoration process of bereavement victims. Six semi-structured face-to-face interviews with seven victims who lost their close family members in criminal incidents were conducted. Their life stories after the tragic incidents were told and recorded. These narratives were further analyzed by, firstly, describing their coping mechanisms and daily dealings with constant emotional sufferings and; secondly, exploring their renewed interpretation and transformation of these events. This study identified five restoration phrases. Each of the stage had different issues, emotional reactions, and coping strategies. They were acute shock phase, handling matters related to the funeral phase, re-integration phase, judicial process phase, and follow-up adjustments phase. The interviewees' restoration process was generally consistent with existing literature and evidence on adaptation theory of bereavement grief.Nevertheless, the interviewees mentioned that having to face the offender and judicial procedure complicated their adjustment process. They were frustrated because of negative interactions with the offenders, who rarely showed any remorse or sincerity. There were rare cases both parties could communicate with each other under a genuine, equal, and rational atmosphere. They often went through a lengthy judicial process with little, if any, feedback from the court to respond their emotional and psychological needs. The victims interviewed went through different recovery period, depending on the event impact and support network. In spite of the variance, they shared some characteristics. They often had sufficient social resources.During the journal of recovery, they gradually developed positive interpretation toward the tragic events. In addition, they grew to appreciate the value of individual life course. At the end, four suggestions on future support for bereavement victims are proposed: Firstly, there should be continuing official support from governmental and civil agencies. Secondly, it is important to create a supporting environment to allow bereavement victims expressing their feelings during addressing their stories. Thirdly, it is suggested that an organization or support group for bereavement victims be organized to create a forum for sharing experience and self help. Finally, the main role of criminal justice agency should be focused on reducing the sense of re-victimization through the judicial process by creating a more balanced and victim sensitive criminal justice system.


王純娟,2006,〈哀傷或不哀傷?當西方的哀傷治療遇上台灣的宗教信仰與民俗〉。 《生死學研究》3:93-131。
