  • 學位論文


The study on the policy execution of pay-as-you-throw fees in Taipei County

指導教授 : 張四明


垃圾問題為社會大眾所重視是必然的趨勢,從各國的經驗來觀察,垃圾處理的發 展將朝向一種殊途同歸的願景,亦即「垃圾零廢棄、資源全回收」。欲實現此一願景首 先必須從「源頭減量、重複再利用及資源回收」做起。而垃圾處理費隨袋徵收政策正是 實現此一願景的可行方法。垃圾處理費隨袋徵收政策有其垃圾分類、資源回收、使用者 付費的經濟誘因。本研究以新北市升格前,自民國97 年至民國99 年「臺北縣垃圾處理 費隨袋徵收政策執行」為案例,探討未來實施垃圾處理費隨袋徵收政策可供參考之處。 筆者在這個政策推動上也有部分的參與,想藉此機會將「臺北縣垃圾處理費隨袋徵收政 策執行」作內容分析與探討,透過交流與分享而增加其價值。 本文採質化研究,透過「文獻分析」作為本研究之理論基楚;文獻分析包括研究 現況回顧、政策執行相關理論探討及次級資料分析。繼而以「深度訪談」了解各相關人 員的看法及見解,印證相關理論。進而發現可能發生的問題,最後提出發現與建議。 研究發現:(1)推動垃圾處理費隨袋徵收落實污染者付費。(2) 垃圾處理費隨袋徵 收創造「政府」與「民眾」雙贏。(3)執行新政策需有堅強團隊為後盾。(4) 隨袋徵收 環境效益更勝以往。(5)垃圾減少環境更美麗。(6)政策推動需有黃金組合。 政策建議:(1) 定期檢討處理成本衡酌調整徵收費率。(2)適時調整人力機具做有 有效運用。(3)落實資源回收細部分類及去化管道。(4)推廣自備購物用袋及綠色飲食概 念。(5)資源回收業務轉由民間辦理。(6) 臺北縣經驗之啟發。


It is a trend that public will eventually aware of garbage problems. Observing experiences around the globe, garbage processing shall be guided to a new future, although through different paths, of no wasted trash and total recycling of every resource. To obtain this goal we must first carry out the three laws of “reduction, reuse and recycling”. And the policy of pay-as-you-throw fees is one of the possible ways to achieve this goal. This policy also has its economic inducement through garbage sorting, recycling and user-paid status. This study wants to probe into the possibility of future execution of pay-as-you-throw fees by researching cases of past implementation of this policy between 2008 and 2010, the time when Taipei County hasn’t upgraded to New Taipei city. I had partially taken part in the advancement of this policy, so I would like to take this opportunity to analyze and discuss the matters of the execution of pay-as-you-throw fees in Taipei County, and by further exchanging thoughts and sharing experiences to maximize its value. This study conducts a qualitative research by using document analysis as basic theory of this research. Research status review, Policy execution theories and secondary data analysis are included in document analysis. We continued by in-depth interviews to gather thoughts and understand opinions of every related person while proving related theories. Therefore to discover possible issues and offer our final discoveries and recommendations Research shows: (1) the execution of pay-as-you-throw fees let polluters to pay for their deeds;(2) pay-as-you-throw fees create a win-win situation between government and citizens;(3) it needs a strong team to carry out new policies;(4) pay-as-you-throw makes better environment benefits;(5) reduction of garbage makes environment more pleasant;(6) promoting policies need perfect combinations. Policy recommendations: (1) regularly reviews the processing costs and adjusts charging rates;(2) adjust human machinery appropriately to reach maximum usage;(3) total implementation of detailing recycling and incineration processing;(4) promoting thoughts of using reusable shopping bags and adopting green diet; (5) transfer recycling business to private enterprises.;(6) inspirations by the experiences of Taipei County.


翁興利, 2004,《政策規劃與行銷》,華泰文化。
陳韋名,2005,在《一般固體廢棄物管理政策施行成效評估 - 以臺北市「垃圾費隨


