  • 學位論文


The role and practices of local land-use planning river basin governance: a case study of Keelung River Basin

指導教授 : 洪鴻智


台灣地質、地形與氣候特性,具引發洪水災害之自然條件。對我國人民生命財產安全形成嚴重的威脅及損失。氣候變遷造成水旱災、暴雨等極端事件常態化,傳統單一部門無法有效因應複合性災害。歐盟提出調適策略透過土地使用規劃減災,提升地區之調適力。調適力研究缺乏以地方層次分析。本研究目的,從地方層次分析影響流域調適力主要因素,評估影響調適力之要素。透過文獻回顧求得流域治理與土地使用規劃調適力因素,調適力因素會因區位、時間與評估地區的空間尺度有所差異,故本文欲探討地方土地使用規劃單位對基隆河流域治理災害調適機制,以Q方法進行問卷訪談,得以量化政府治理特性之指標。研究結果得知,地方政府治理指標為: 代表性、參與、知識與資訊利用、決策與資訊可獲性、組織靈活性、信任、社會資本、經驗、資源等九大構面。以九大構面對基隆河流域之土地使用規劃單位探討後提出。面對氣候變遷下土地使用規劃單位如何提出以流域為尺度之調適策略、以土地使用規劃作為水患減災之手段,對於流域地區進行調適策略之政策建議,作為面對未來因應氣候變遷下,土地使用規劃單位調適策略規劃之依據。


In Taiwan, typhoons and floods posed a serious threat to us and our property. Climate change has normalized calamities, like floods, droughts and storms.we are now facing a real challenge of river basin governance. Many researchers declare that minimizing catastrophes and making adaptations will decrease damage in disaster area. However, those studies are conducted from national aspect. River basin governance from local land-use planning aspect aren’t sufficient. Therefore, the aim of the study is to find out what influences the effects of catastrophic adaptations and to analyze the system of local land-use planning of river basin governance, taking Keelung River basin as an example. Based on literature review and depth interviews, this study will construct a set of disaster adaptations with Q method and qualitative analysis. According to the results of the study, adaptation indicators of river basin governance are composed of nine dimensions including Representation, Participation, Equality, Social Capital/Networks, Commitment, Flexibility Knowledge, Information Availability and Use, Experience, and Resources. This study provides some policy suggestions and formulations of disaster adaption strategies of the policy proposal in order to reduce damage of natural hazards in the future.


中華經濟研究院能源環境研究中心,2008, 聯合國氣候變遷調適政策綱要。
郭彥廉、蕭代基,2009,天然災害脆弱性與社經脆弱性因子之回顧,國家災害防救中心電子報,第42卷,第4期,頁 1-9。
