  • 學位論文


A Study on Adaptation to School Life among Children from Single Parent Family

指導教授 : 孟維德


我們知道,家庭對孩子的影響力是非常深遠的,家庭除了對個人的人格養成具關鍵性的影響力,也是個人接觸最早的社會組織。然而,現今全世界的離婚率高居不下,有愈來愈多的兒童必須在其成長過程中面臨父母的失和、衝突,甚至是分居或離婚,在台灣的情形亦然。來自單親家庭的兒童,在承受家庭解組的壓力後,其身心發展是值得我們一同來關注的。 本研究的樣本為國小五年級的單親兒童,先將其分為學校生活適應不良組和學校生活適應良好組兩組,透過質性研究的方式,以訪談、觀察和次級資料的蒐集,來探討來自單親家庭的兒童在學校生活適應上的問題及影響因素。學校生活適應以常規適應、學習適應、同儕關係和師生關係為指標,發現來自單親家庭的兒童在學校生活適應上表現有好有壞,而影響其適應好壞的因素有教養態度、親子關係和手足關係等家庭因素及同儕關係和師生關係等學校因素。 在家庭因素中,研究發現,當單親家長能以民主的方式教養孩子,對於孩子的表現有要求並能適時給予協助,孩子在校的生活適應情況會比較好;相反的,如果對孩子採取權威式或忽視冷漠的教養模式,容易讓他們在校生活適應上出現問題。親子關係愈緊密,單親家長願意關心、了解並參與孩子的生活點滴,孩子的學校生活適應就會比較好。當單親兒童手足之間的情感愈佳、良好的互動愈頻繁,孩子在學校生活適應上便愈佳,反之則愈差。 學校就是個小型社會,本研究指出,當單親學童有較佳的同儕互動關係,除了在情緒上比較有抒發的管道外,也能藉由同學之間的相互影響,增進學習興趣,學校生活適應較佳,反之,其學校生活適應能力較差。在學校,老師對單親兒童的態度與評價,會影響其他同學與他們的互動,當孩子跟老師互動良好,自然而然會喜歡老師,也會遵循老師的行為規範,在學校自然適應良好。反之,學校生活適應上問題較多。 根據以上研究結果,提出對單親家長的建議為:1.要與子女建立良好的互動關係2.要盡到監督之責3.宜採民主的教養方式4.讓孩子有機會和其他親人互動5.應多參與孩子的學校生活。對學校的建議為:1.老師要多與單親家長聯繫2.老師要付諸更多的耐心與關懷3.老師要確實記錄學童的基本資料4.學校要建立輔導機制。對社會機構的建議為:1.需密切與學校輔導處溝通聯繫2.須經常辦理親職教育講座或活動。


Family has deep impact on children; it not only influences the forming of one's personality, but also is the premier social organization one dwelled in. However, the divorce rate is getting higher around the world, and more and more children in Taiwan have no choice but facing parental breach, conflict, or even split up and divorce during their development. Psychological development among those children who experienced family deconstruction should be our concern. The samples of this research were 5th grade students from single parent families. We divided them into two groups: mal-adaptive group and well-adaptive group to school life. We inquired into their problems and causes of school mal-adaptation through qualitative research methods including interviewing, observation and secondary data collection. The indicators of school life adaptation were norm adaptation, studying adaptation, peer relation and teacher-student relationship. The results showed that the factors influenced school life adaptation were family factors such as parenting attitude, parent-child relationship and sibling relationship and school factors such as peer relation and teacher-student relationship. Among the family factors, we found that children would be well-adaptive to school life if parents nurtured their children democratically, responded to children’s performance and helped them, nevertheless, if parents nurture the children with authority or coolness, children would be more mal-adaptive to school life. The closer the parent-children relationship; the parents trying to understand and involve more in children’s life, the better adaptation to school life the children would be. We also found that the more affectionate interaction between siblings, the better the adaptation to school life and vice versa.  School is like a small society. We noticed that if students have better peer relation, they have more emotional reflection, increasing study motivation resulted from influences between each other and better school adaptation and vice versa. At school, teacher’s attitude and appraisal toward students from single parent family would affect their interaction with peers, if the students had closer relation with teachers, they would like the teacher and was willing to follow teacher’s rule; they would also had better school adaptation and vice versa. According to study results, we suggest that parents from single parent family should: 1. establish rapport with children, 2. take responsibility to supervision, 3. nurture children democratically, 4. giving children chances to be with other family members, 5. get involved more in children’s school life. We also suggest that the teacher should: 1. contact more frequently with parents from single parent family, 2. be patient and caring, 3. record students basic data correctly. We suggest that the social organization should: 1. keep colse contact with counselor’s office at school , 2. launch lectures on parenting.


