  • 學位論文


A Comparison Study on the Formation Process of Self-control between Normal Juveniles and Delinquents

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究旨在瞭解一般少年與非行少年自我控制形成歷程之差異,並從家庭中父母的教養方式以及學校的因素來探討其如何影響少年之自我控制,尤其是家庭育兒模式。 本研究的研究對象為四位14~18歲的男性少年及其母親,分別是一般少年及非行少年各兩人。研究者以立意取樣方式與八位研究對象進行半結構式的深度訪談,以質性研究法分析歸納研究結果如下: 一、 父母對子女的情感附著: 一般少年與父母親的關係親密,他們願意跟父母親分享與溝通,家族之間關係緊密;而非行少年在小時候以前尚能和父母分享看法,但自國小中高年級起,和父母的關係不再像之前那麼親近。非行少年對父母、家庭的連結較弱,不利於其發展自我控制能力。 二、 父母對子女行為的監督與瞭解: 一般少年的父母親對其子女的想法及行為較為瞭解,並監督其行為,從小培養孩子的良好習慣及自我管理能力,基於珍惜父母對自己的信任及期望,孩子較能夠接受父母的意見或約束,並自我管理,發展出較高的自我控制能力。非行少年在國小中年級以前,父母尚能掌握孩子的行為與想法,但年紀漸長後,父母發現已經無法瞭解與控制孩子,非行少年著重眼前享樂而不願負責,而其父母無法監督孩子在家及在外的行為,故不利於非行少年發展其自我控制力。 三、 父母對子女偏差行為的認知與矯正: 一般少年的父母會事先說明希望子女不要出現的偏差行為,並利用各種時機做機會教育,而非行少年則否;此外,一般少年的母親能清楚說明家庭的規範,非行少年的母親則否。一般少年組與非行少年組在小時候都曾因為出現不良行為被處罰,前者的父母會在處罰後跟孩子溝通,矯正的方式也較多元,孩子能夠接受自己的錯誤,進而盡量避免自己再犯錯;而後者或者被打到習慣了而依然故我,或者心有不平而無法接受自己被處罰,所以在反省自己的部分也就相對薄弱。 四、 父母教養觀念與方式: 一般少年的父母會不斷學習親職教育的觀念與技巧,且隨著孩子的成長而有所調整,最重視的是孩子品格的養成;而非行少年的母親則認為教養觀念是自己想出來的,強調並沒有向其他人學習,且對每個孩子的教養方式都是一樣的,對於教養的核心價值較不明確。關於父母對生活作息及常規的要求方面,一般少年組的父母對於子女的要求比較嚴謹,而非行少年的父母在這些方面要求較寬鬆。 五、 少年在校的學業與表現: 一般少年與非行少年在國小中年級以前的師生關係與學業表現差異並不甚大,但非行少年在國小中年級之後,與老師關係漸漸疏離對立,放棄學習,終至國中時期的學業表現與在校行為有很大的差異;且關於父母對子女在學業或人生的期許方面,一般少年皆能清楚表達,非行少年則否。 最後,針對本研究之結果提出討論與省思,並對家長、教師及未來研究方向提出建議。 關鍵詞:少年、非行少年、自我控制、社會鍵、育兒模式


Abstract A Comparison Study on the Formation Process of Self-control between Normal Juveniles and Delinquents by WU, CHIA-YUN July 2008 ADVISOR(S): Dr. SHEU, CHUEN-JIM DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR:CRIMINOLOGY DEGREE: MASTER OF LAW This study aims to find out the differences of the development of self-control between the normal juveniles and delinquents. Furthermore, this study also investigates how parenting and schooling affect juvenile’ self-control, especially the child-rearing model. The study investigated four 14-to-18- year-old juveniles and their mothers. Two of the teens are normal ones and the others juvenile delinquents. With purposive sampling, the researcher conducted semi-structure in-depth interviews with the eight people. The thesis used qualitative methods and got the following conclusions: 1. The Attachment of the Parent to the Child: Normal juveniles are close to their families and parents, and willing to share and communicate with their parents. Their delinquent peers would like to share with parents in the childhood, but since middle and upper grades in elementary school, they are not as close to their parents as before. Their attachment to parents and family is weaker, which hinders them from developing self-control. 2. Parental Supervision and Understanding for Children’s Behavior: The parents of normal juveniles understand more of the ideas and behavior of their children, and help them to cultivate good habits and self-management abilities since their childhood. However, parents of juvenile delinquents can understand their children’s when they are younger, but when they are getting older, parents would find that it is difficult to understand and control them. Juvenile delinquents care only about the present enjoyment and happiness, reluctant to take any responsibilities. Their parents cannot monitor their behavior, which is also harmful for the delinquents to develop self-control. 3. Parents’ Recognition and Correction of Deviant Behavior of their children: Parents of normal teenagers tell their children in advance not to perform deviant behavior, and make use of all opportunities to teach and show them how and why. But parents of delinquents don’t. Besides, mothers of normal teens clearly tell them the regulations of the family, but the mothers of juvenile delinquents do not. Both the normal juveniles and their delinquent peers have been punished for doing wrong when they are younger, but parents of the former teenagers would communicate with them after the punishment, and have more approaches to correct their children, making them admit their own mistakes and avoid doing wrong again. However, perhaps it is because juvenile delinquents have been so used to being punished that they do not think themselves done anything wrong, or because they always feel unfair to be punished, it is rarely for them to reflect on their misbehaviors. 4. The Ideas and Approaches Parents Use to Teach Their Children: The parents of normal juveniles keep on learning the ideas and techniques of children’s education. They also adjust their approaches as their kids grow up. What they value most is the character of their children. In comparison, mothers of juvenile delinquents stress that they do not learn from others how to teach children, and they treat and teach all children in the same way. They do not have clear core value of how to teach their children. With regard to requirements of daily work and life, parents of normal juveniles demand more seriously, but parents of delinquents don’t. 5. Performances at School: There are few differences between normal juveniles and delinquents before their middle grades in elementary school, when it comes to the relationship to teachers and classmates and their schoolwork. However, after middle grades, juvenile delinquents are getting more and more isolated from teachers and give up on learning. When entering junior high school, they are much more different from their non-delinquent peers, both in studies and performances at school. Moreover, normal juveniles can clearly express what their parents expect from them, but their delinquent peers can’t. Finally, the thesis reflected and discussed on the conclusions of this study and made suggestions to parents, teachers and the future studies. Key words: juveniles, juvenile delinquent, self-control, social bond, child-rearing model


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