  • 學位論文


Land Use Planning Model for Feeder-Bus-Line Corridor of a Metro Station

指導教授 : 林楨家


在2009年的今日,台北捷運旅運量已經突破30億人次,每日運量從開通(1996年)的5萬人次到今年(2009年)二月捷運局統計數據112萬人次。捷運系統在國內陸續的建設與營運,以及永續發展理念的普遍認知,使得都市規劃者逐漸重視以大眾運輸為主軸的「大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development, TOD)」規劃思維。國內目前雖然將TOD列為都市發展的重要議題並且多有討論,然而,過去關於TOD土地使用規劃模式之研究,大多數聚焦在捷運系統上的探討,為使都市發展與TOD的結合更加完整,將捷運系統服務範圍向外擴散,其接駁運具沿線的規劃亦是TOD研究不可或缺的重點之一。 本研究目的在建構捷運接駁公車路線走廊之土地使用規劃模式,並將所建構模式應用於台北捷運藍12線接駁公車路線走廊之實例分析。研究中應用數學規劃方法,透過文獻回顧與訪談整理,設計一多目標混合整數規劃模式,在目標式的部分追求環境品質提升、提升大眾運輸使用、整體成本最小化、公共利益的完善以及土地價值的提升等五項,限制式則包括土地容受力、人口容受力、道路系統容量、大眾運輸系統容量、公車排班、各土地間的關係等。決策變數設定為各分區之土地使用種類以及各土地使用強度,並透過TOPSIS法進行模式求解。 在實例地區的模式應用上,土地使用規劃方案每天發生426,398.5的自用車旅次,同時大眾運輸使用者與經營者成本僅需新台幣367.492元,並且在公共設施的服務比例平均佔各區其他土地使用約46%的水準,而具經濟效益的住宅、商業以及產業使用樓地板面積亦可達到4,782,504平方公尺的規模。整體規劃內容是以住宅使用所佔面積67.59%為最大,其次為商業使用之16.22%、產業發展之11.11%以及最少比例之公共設施5.08%。分區的配置概況上,住宅使用較密集規劃在規劃區東北側,而商業使用則聚集在規劃區之中心區。另產業使用則分別在南北兩塊範圍內聚集。在政策分析的部分,將權重因素考量後,可發現大眾運輸系統使用率有所提升,同時亦減少自用車的旅次以提升目標一的達成率;另在土地使用混合度的調整後,發現在提高混合程度達60%時,可以在各個目標間取得一個較佳的妥協目標值。 本研究建構的土地使用規劃模式,是提供都市規劃專業者,在進行TOD土地使用規劃時的輔助分析工具;在操作與求解上,已驗證TOPSIS求解方法的可行性;在規劃結果上,本模式亦提供在捷運沿線的帶狀發展趨於飽和後,如何透過土地使用規劃,將捷運的大眾運輸服務效益擴張涵蓋至捷運服務範圍外都市空間並提升都市使用效益的一個全市型TOD建構參考內涵。


The cumulative ridership of Taipei metro systems have been over three billions passengers in the end of 2009, and the daily ridership was growing up from 50 thousands(1996) to 1120 thousands(2009). Because rapid transit systems are successively developed, and the philosophy of sustainable development is commonly recognized urban planners in Taiwan are getting emphasizing transit-oriented development (TOD). In Taiwan, TOD is an important issue on urban planning nowadays, but, most researches of TOD land focused on rapid transit systems. In order to completely integrate urban developments and TOD, extending the planning areas from rapid transit corridors to feeder bus corridors is a very essential issue. The purpose of this study is to develop a land use planning model for feeder-bus-line corridor of a metro station, and apply the model on the Blue 12 feeder-bus-line in Taipei. The model was developed using mathematical programming approach. After reviewing literatures and interviewing stakeholders, the study designed a multi-objective mixed integer programming model. The model considers five objectives: maximizing environmental quality, maximizing transit ridership, minimizing development costs, maximizing public benefits and maximizing land value, with the following constraints: carrying capacity of lands, carrying capacity of population, road capacity, transit capacity, bus operations and the relationships among different land uses. The decision variables include types and intensities of land uses. The TOPSIS approach was employed to solve the model. The planning result of case study generates 426,398.5 personal vehicle trips, and cost 367.492 NTD for transit users and operators. The average ratio of public facilities to all land uses reaches 46%. The residential, commercial and industrial floor space with economic benefits reach 4,782,504 square meters. The most land use is residence (67.59%), the second is commerce (16.22%), the third is industry (11.11%), and the least use is public facilities (5.08%). For the land use locations, residences intensively locate around the east-north of the planned area, commerce intensively locate in the center, and industries locate at the north and south simultaneously. In the policy analyses, it was found that raising the weight of the second objective significantly increases transit ridership and declines personal vehicle trips. An acceptable compromise solution among five objectives was reached when rising the mix degree of land uses to 60%. The developed model in this study provides urban planners an analysis tool to progress TOD land use planning. The study also verified the applicability of TOPSIS on solving the model. Consequently, the planning results of the model, could contribute to extend the TOD considerations along rapid transit corridors to the areas served by feeder systems.


6. 李家儂與賴宗裕(2007),「大眾捷運車站周邊土地使用規劃模型之探討-多目標與多評準決策方法之應用」,都市交通,第22卷,第15期,頁35-49。
7. 李紫琳(2004),「台北捷運接駁公車營運績效之評估研究」,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。
11. 林楨家與李家儂(2005),「用於都市地區活動分布之灰色TOD規劃模式」,運輸計劃季刊,第34卷,第1期,頁63- 91。
12. 林楨家與高誌謙(2003),「用於捷運車站周邊地區容積管制檢討之TOD規劃模式」,運輸計劃季刊,第32卷,第3期,頁581- 600。
13. 林楨家與馮正民(2001),「土地使用與運輸路網整合設計之二階規劃模式」,運輸計劃季刊,第30卷,第4期,頁733- 762。
