  • 學位論文


A study on the implementation of strategic human resource management in public sector –The example of Central Personnel Administration in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳金貴


民國91年起人事行政局人事政策規劃轉型為「策略性人力資源管理」,陸續規劃各項創新的人力資源管理策略,期待人事單位及人事人員在政府改造工程中發揮積極的策略性功能,協助組織創造價值,進而提升政府施政績效與國家整體競爭力。然而,人事行政局在推動策略性人力資源管理的過程中遭受到諸多困難與限制。本研究採文獻分析與深度訪談法,研析人事行政局推動策略性人力資源管理措施的相關歷程與經驗。接著,本文以 SOWT分析為分析架構,探討影響人事行政局的內外在環境因素,同時也探究目前我國公部門策略性人力資源管理政策所面臨的問題。最後,進一步針對研究發現進行理論檢證,並提出實務與後續研究的建議。以我國現況而言,與OECD 國家與美國策略性人力資源管理趨勢相較,無論在人力資源管理策略或實施的深度、廣度與具體性,仍有許多可以借鏡與提昇的空間。根據研究發現,本文分別就制度面與執行面提出以下建議︰ 一、制度面 (一)人事相關法規修改的方向應朝向全面簡併與鬆綁人事法規以及將人事管理職能授權給基層行政機關與人事主管 (二)提高人事管理制度改革的發動層級 (三)建置我國公部門策略性人力資源管理專責負責單位 二、運作面 (一)將人力資源管理整合入機關規劃過程 (二)人事管理相關政策或策略形成過程中,兼顧多元利害關係人的參與機會 (三)加強人事人員專業訓練,創造制度性誘因促成人事人員組織行為的改變 (四)兼顧公務倫理守則,維護社會公平價值


Central Personnel Administration promoted the strategic human resource management (SHRM) policies since 2002, looking forward to be a strategic role in the public sector. However, in the process of promoting the strategic human resource management, CPA has suffered many difficulties and limitations. First, the research is based on document analysis and in-depth interviews to discuss the history and experience about promoting SHRM. Then, this study takes SOWT as an analysis framework to explore the impact of the CPA's internal and external environmental factors, at the same time, it also investigates the problem that the CPA faced. In the end, this research not only examines the theory with the findings but also provides some recommendations for the policy and future researchers. Comparison Taiwan’s using of the SHRM trends with the OECD countries and the United States trends about HRM, we can know that we still have space to progress. According to these findings, we provide the following suggestions covering organization design and policy implementation︰ 1. statutory︰ (1) Besides the direction of modification of personnel laws should toward to the reduction of personnel laws and cut down the laws limitation, the management’s right should also be empowered. (2) Enhances the launch level of personnel management system. (3) Build the department to have responsibility of the strategic human resource management unit. 2. Operation (1) Integrate human resources management into agency planning process (2) During the formulization of human resources policy, we should consider the opportunities for multi-stakeholder participation. (3) Strengthen professional training and create a system of incentives. (4) Emphasis on the ethics of civil servants’ profession and maintain social justice value.


