  • 學位論文


The Study of Wetlands Policy Based on the Ecosystem Management Concept

指導教授 : 龎元勳


在追求經濟發展壓力之下,臺灣土地與河川問題目前面臨的極為嚴峻,土地利用長期以來缺乏政策指導,未能整體、合理規劃管理,造成水土涵養不佳、環境災害不斷、整體生態品質下降等不利趨勢,隨著近年來全球暖化、氣候變遷加劇,未來穩定生態環境與維護生物多樣性,濕地正是重要的關鍵地區。 濕地處於自然變化之中,既有涵養水源、蓄洪防旱、淨化污染、調節氣候、保護生物多樣性等顯著的生態功能,又能提供淡水、漁業和旅遊資源等重要的經濟功能,還有美學、文化、科研、教育等效益及支持社區發展等特有的社會功能,有其不可替代的重要作用。然而重開發、輕保育的思維使得人類活動加速濕地變化的過程(遽變),從而導致濕地結構與功能的喪失與退化。 濕地的喪失與退化引發嚴重的生態環境和社會問題,直接威脅到當地、整個流域甚至國家的永續發展。大體而言,加強濕地保育,持續發揮濕地的多種功能已成為國際共識,多目標之「生態系統管理」為國際發展趨勢,強調維持生態系統完整性作為永續發展的保障。 整體性之濕地管理政策為開展濕地保育與管理的基礎和核心。臺灣在濕地管理工作起步較晚,過去很少針對濕地進行保育,亦無明確之濕地管理政策,導致將濕地轉化它用及不合理利用的決策不受限制,濕地數量減少、質量惡化的趨勢,未能有效遏止。因此探討有效的濕地管理模式,建立適合臺灣國情的濕地管理政策與運行機制是我國面臨的重大課題。為此,濕地管理政策宜以生態為基礎考量,基於系統的完整性採以流域為單元,重新檢視流域內濕地的功能角色,確保國土保育、生態永續的前提下,並尋求濕地保育和明智利用發展方向。 本研究中心理念承續龎元勳、陳右達(2007)「系統整合性的國土空間架構」,濕地應「作為流域為基礎的生態網絡下之子系統來進行管理,更有利於濕地資源與生態環境保育,並促進流域永續發展」,主要從政策管理的角度,分析歸納濕地現況與管理課題,再根據「整合性流域管理」及「生態系統管理」的觀念,以「永續發展」為主軸,建立目標導向的管理架構,並參酌RAMSAR與美國濕地政策經驗及做法,依系統概念,以流域為單元提出符合流域總體發展目標的濕地管理政策,並研擬相關政策的具體方向及管理策略。


The issues of land and river in Taiwan are substantially critical now under the pressure of pursuing economic development. The alarming trends such as poor land and water conservation, the continuing disasters and worsening ecosystem overall quality have been resulted from the lack of integrated reasonable plans directed by long-term policies. Wetlands are definitely crucial in ecosystem stabilization and biodiversity conservation for the future as global warming and climate change exacerbate. Facing the environmental changes, Wetlands, whose significant ecological functions include hydrological regimes, natural hazard, pollution control and detoxification, climate regulation and biodiversity conservation, provide not only economical functions as they are the source of fresh water and the foundation of fishery and tourism but also social functions of aesthetics, culture, scientific research, education and society development. Wetlands have its irreplaceable importance. However, the concept of higher priority exploitation enjoys than conservation speeds up the transformation of wetlands with human activities. This leads to the degradation and loss of wetland structure and functions. Wetland degradation and loss induce serious ecological and social problems and directly jeopardize sustainable development for local residents, the entire watershed and even the country. Generally speaking, it has been a global consensus to promote wetlands conservation and continuously utilize the multiple functions of wetlands. Multi-objective “ecosystem management” is a global trend that emphasizes on ecosystem integrity as the safeguard for sustainable development. Integrated wetlands management policy is the foundation and center to wetlands conservation and management. Taiwan seldom conserved its wetlands or had any explicit wetlands management policy before engaging in wetlands management at a later time, which led to unregulated policies of unreasonable wetland misuse causing unrestrained worsening trend in wetland area and quality. Therefore, it is a critical subject to build the appropriate wetland management policy and operation mechanism for Taiwan by exploring efficient wetlands management models. Wetland management policy should be ecology and watershed based to protect the ecosystem integrity. The functions and roles of wetlands in a watershed should be reinvestigated in order to develop the right direction for wetlands conservation and wise utilization under the precondition of national land preservation and sustainable ecology. This study continues the concept of “subsystem management in watershed-based eco-network is more advantageous to wetlands resource and ecological conservation and encourages watershed sustainable development.” from “A Sustainable National Land Planning Based on the Concepts of watershed Ecosystem Management and Integrated Watershed Management“proposed by Pang and Chen (2007). From the perspective of policy management, we explore and summarize the current wetland situation and management issues to build objective oriented management structure with the guideline of “sustainable development” according to the concepts of “integrative watershed management” and “ecosystem management”. Also referring to the experience and strategies of RAMSAR and U.S. wetlands policies, we propose ecosystem-based wetland management policies per watershed that meet the overall development objective for each watershed. Furthermore, we set five management strategies, system integration, management structure, management mechanism, adaptive management and public participation, and make suggestions about major mechanism.


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