  • 學位論文


A study of Peng, Shu-Xia and the Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng

指導教授 : 王國良


《文苑英華》是一部眾所皆知的文學總集,而《文苑英華辨證》則是彭叔夏參與周必大第二次校勘《文苑英華》工作後所撰寫的著作,該書更成為校勘學術發展史上的一部重要作品。但歷來學者僅將此書視為校勘《文苑英華》工作的副產品,甚至誤認為只是《文苑英華》的校記作品,雖然對彭叔夏多抱持肯定讚許的態度,但對此書此人卻都沒有深入的研究探討,相當可惜。因此本論文研究之旨趣,即在討論《文苑英華辨證》成書的學術背景、流傳狀況,以及從中窺探彭叔夏個人的校勘思想及其對後世的影響。 本論文主要從彭叔夏本人及《文苑英華辨證》兩大方向開展。首先略述有宋一代校勘以及相關學術的發展,藉以對照《文苑英華辨證》所體現出的校勘工作成果以及彭叔夏自身的校勘思想,並進一步廓清彭叔夏的貢獻以及《文苑英華辨證》的價值。此外,針對《文苑英華辨證》的版本源流,也作一詳盡的考述,以辨析不同版本間的差別異同。並透過《文苑英華》中的小注與《文苑英華辨證》的內容比對方式,佐證《文苑英華辨證》的出現並不是作為《文苑英華》的校記之用。雖然此書是透過整理《文苑英華》而產生,但它的意義與價值卻應該更加受到後人重視。


彭叔夏 文苑英華 校勘


“Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua” is a well-known literature collection while “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng” is a work by Peng Shu-Xia after he participated Chou Bi-Da’s 2nd proofreading on “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua”, in which the work became an important work in the history of academic proofreading. However for decades, scholars have only regarded this book a by-product of proofreading task of“Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua”, and even regarded this as annotation work of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua” by mistake, although many people hold a positive attitude towards Peng Shu-Xia, but however, it’s a pity that they did not get into deeper exploration on this book and this person. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discuss the academic background, the circulation status of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng” and to explore Peng Shu Xia’s viewpoint on proofreading and his impact on the future world.   This paper mainly starts from Peng Shu-Xia himself and “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng” two directions. Firstly, it roughly describes the proofreading work in Song Dynasty and its related academic development, to further clean up Peng Shu-Xia’s contribution and value of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng” by the achievement of proofreading work demonstrated by a contrast made to “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng”. Besides, it conducted detailed textual research and depiction on the origin and development of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng”version, identified and analyzed the pros and cons among different versions. Also, via minor annotation of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua”and content match method of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng”to support the appearance of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua Bian-Zheng” is not for proofreading of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua”, in which the meaning and value shall be respected more by later generations despite the book originated from proofreading work of “Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua”.


Peng, Shu-Xia Wen-Yuan Ying-Hua proofreading


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2007年第17期 頁54-63。
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2004年第7期 頁21-32


