  • 學位論文


The Frame of Strategies of Taiwan National Trails Developing Ecotourism

指導教授 : 龐元勳


近年休閒遊憩蔚為風潮下,林務局依據觀光客倍增計畫,研擬國家自然步道系統計畫,欲將台灣原有步道遴選規劃為國家步道與區域步道,形成國家自然步道系統,強調作為遊客休閒遊憩、自然體驗、環境教育的場所與山村經濟與文化發展。其中,國家步道大部分穿越了國家公園的生態保護區、或重要景觀區、自然保留區、野生動物重要棲息環境、及其他自然保護性質的區域、以及屬於未列入保護區但自然度較高的區域。這些重要的生態區域在面臨國家步道系統建置後,可能導致遊客量增加,干擾的程度擴大及頻度增加,若未能提出自然保護區經營管理的有效對策,以維護該區域的生態環境完整性,恐將無法持續提供自然體驗及環境教育,更無法支持山村經濟與社會文化的永續發展。 而生態旅遊強調以旅遊地區的生態永續性為基礎,促成在地社區的經濟與社會永續。因此,本研究認為國家步道系統,須以生態旅遊為發展策略,在維護各國家步道及鄰近社區的生態完整性為前提下,結合自然保護區域的經營管理,並應首先訂定國家步道系統的生態旅遊發展目標,據此導引出不同空間尺度的生態環境、社會與經濟三個面向的各項策略,以確保國家步道系統的發展在生態永續為基礎下,兼顧經濟及社會的永續性。研究首先回顧永續發展、生態旅遊、高山環境、地景生態學理論,及國外國家步道的發展概況,作為台灣在國家步道系統推動生態旅遊的理論基礎與參考案例。透過台灣國家步道系統發展的課題分析,包含政策、規劃、遴選過程、相關研究計畫,以及步道所在區域的生態與人文環境特性,發現國家自然步道系統計畫中並未將自然保護區域的生態環境維護納入計畫,而僅考量由中央自然資源管理單位及地方政府依據現行法規予以管理,忽略了生態環境是旅遊的基礎。且整個計畫與後續推動的子計畫並未評估旅遊活動對於環境、社會及經濟的影響,相關管理規範與對應措施,在計畫中都未能詳細說明。在不同管理單位的目標分歧且未建立良好互動平台與機制下,未來的發展堪慮。 本研究認為須透過生態旅遊的發展與規劃,在維護生態完整性下,處理相關問題,並且顧及社會層面與經濟層面的目標,並依據地景生態學與生態旅遊理論,評估不同空間尺度在推行生態旅遊上,可能造成生態環境面、社區發展面及經濟產業面的潛在負面衝擊,以降低或避免推行生態旅遊對生態環境、社會文化與經濟產業的風險。研究主旨乃以永續發展為終極目標,並以生態旅遊作為國家步道系統發展的主要策略下,透過目標導向的永續性階層架構,結合課題分析及生態旅遊相關的理論,建構出一套國家步道系統發展生態旅遊的目標架構。依據此架構下所訂定各階層的生態、經濟、社會目標,導引出各面向在不同空間尺度的生態旅遊發展策略。此一兼顧課題分析所獲致的整合目標與策略架構,將有助於推動國家步道系統生態旅遊時各級單位的的互動,促使國家步道系統的生態旅遊政策能真正符合生態永續、經濟永續、社會永續目標,而有利於永續發展的終極目標。


Recently, Forestry Bureau according to the plan of “National Trail System Plan” in the plan of “Doubling Tourism Arrivals Plan” chooses National Trails and Local footprints from existing trials in Taiwan to establish Taiwan Natural Trails System for tourism, natural experience, environmental education, and developing economical and social status of villages at mountain. Most of National trails cut cross some kinds of natural protected area, including Nature Reserves, National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, Major Wildlife Habitats, Forest Reserves, and other natural regions without protecting. The trails could not sustainably provide for tourism, natural experience, environmental education, and developing economical and social status of villages at mountain, and tourism planning may increase more impacts in ecological environment, economics and social culture after integrating Protected Areas management into National trails System development. The concept of ecotourism is based on ecological sustainability to consider both economical and communal development. The research considers developing ecotourism in National trails System should combine Protected Areas management to keep the regions of national trails and near communities’ ecological integrity, and we first need set up objects of ecotourism in National trails System. Then, according to the object we can adopt several strategies in three space scales to attain social and economical sustainability based in ecological sustainability. The research reviews the theories of sustainable development, ecotourism, mountain environment, landscape ecology, and national trails case of other countries for promoting the frame of ecotourism strategies in National Trails System. Analyzing the issues of National Trails System, including policies, planning, choosing process, implementing plans, and the character of natural environment and management, the problems lie in the tourism planning without integrating Protected Areas management into National trails System development and nature resource management without communication system for integrating. However, the impacts of ecological environment, economics and social culture in the policy did not be assessed. It is a serious problem that the objects of accountability government in the plan are divergent, and that may cause nature resource management to be fruitless. The research highlight developing economical and social targets based on ecological integrity in accordance with ecotourism planning, and we should assess the planning causing impacts of ecological environment, economics and social culture to reduce risks of that. Consequently, the purpose of the research will present the objects of developing ecotourism in national trails system with criteria of Ecotourism and Sustainability in methodology. Then we apply the objects frame of ecotourism in national trails system, and we draw up the ecotourism strategies for developing ecotourism in national trails system with different scales. Key Words: National Trails System, Ecotourism, The objects frame of ecotourism, sustainable development


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