  • 學位論文


The Study on Governance of Cultural Creative Industry: A Case of the Interactive Relationship between the Bright Ideas Design Co. and Public Bureaucracies

指導教授 : 劉坤億 博士


我國於2002年為提升我國文化軟實力及產業競爭力,政府將「文化創意產業發展計畫」納入「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」推動。 本研究透過文獻分析、個案研究及深度訪談等三種研究方法,以頑石創意與政府部門互動做為文化創意產業治理的個案研究,藉由文創產業的法制要件、治理平臺的建置管理、產官學研的互動情形為分析類目,藉以釐清政府在文化創產業發展中應扮演的角色,政府建構中介服務平臺的情形,同時指出我國推動文化創意產業治理之現況問題,進而歸納研究結果與發現,提出實務上的研究建議。 研究結果顯示,政府推動文化創意產業過程中,需藉由政府引導與協調,透過市場自由機制,並建立中介服務的機制來共同運作,甚至是社區的文化產業,共同來發展,本研究將藉由四種不同的文化創意產業治理模式,探討在產、官、學治理行動中,以達到「善治」的目標。 本研究發現,文化創意產業治理的現況和困境如下: 一、政府對文創願景目標搖擺不定,缺乏信心,無法擔綱文創結網者角色。 二、政府缺乏企業型官僚,文創產業鏈缺乏整合,各自為政,文創產業發展遭受困境。 三、環境整備機制尚未健全,治理平臺未完善,影響產官學研互動關係。 四、文化創意產業治理模式隨著政府介入而變遷 五、文化創意產業有大者恆大的趨勢,網絡治理、社區治理模式功能不彰 六、從頑石創意的發展經驗來觀察,2002年之後政府在文化創意產業治理扮演適當的角色 最後,本研究建議,政府應強化資源整合,政府與民間文創產業的中介服務平台,避免政策多頭馬車,並強化產官學研的相互合作,建構互相合作模式,以及推動文創相關法規制定,建立配套措施,訂立具體推動的準則,另一方面,整合文化創意產業相關網站,提供線上諮詢等服務機制,並建立文化創意產業相關資料庫,最後,政府積極提昇文創產業競爭力,發揮文創產業優勢,將「臺灣品牌」推進國際舞臺,而且,文化創意產業業者必須強化市場中的競爭力。


To enhance our cultural soft power and industrial competitiveness, our government in 2002 began implementing the “Cultural and Creative Industry Development Plan” as a part of the “Challenge 2008: National Development Plan.” This study employs three research methods: literature analysis, case study and in-depth interviews, using the case of the interactive relationship between the Bright Ideas Design Co. and government agencies. After analyzing important conditions to governance of the cultural creative industry, establishment and management of a governance platform, and interaction between industrial, bureaucratic and academic sectors, this study clarifies the government’s role in the cultural creative industry’s development, understands the government’s current progress in establishing an intermediary service platform, and points out issues currently faced by governance of the cultural creative industry. In the end, this study proposes practical recommendations based on research results and findings. Research results show that development of the cultural creative industry requires government guidance, free market and intermediary service mechanisms, and even joint efforts from cultural industries of communities. This study explores four different cultural creative industry governance models, and discusses how industrial, bureaucratic and academic governance actions can achieve the goal of “good governance.” The current situation and difficulties of cultural creative industry governance are as follows: 1. The government does not have a clear and definite vision for the cultural creative industry, and cannot take a leading role due to its lack of confidence. 2. The government lacks entrepreneurial bureaucracy; the cultural creative industrial chain lacks integration, in which each link does things its own way, thus holding back its development. 3. Interaction between industrial, bureaucratic and academic sectors is affected by incomplete infrastructure and immature governance platform. 4. The governance model of cultural creative industry follow government's intervening to change. 5. There is a trend that large cultural creative industry is always large and the functions of network and community governance model is invalid. 6. To investigate that the government plays a proper role in cultural creative industry governance after 2002 A.D. from development experience of the Bright Ideas Design Co.. Finally, recommendations of this study are as follows: the government should strengthen resource integration, establish an intermediary service platform between the government and cultural creative industry, avoid making policies that go in different directions, build a cooperation model to enhance cooperation between different sectors, establish laws related to the cultural creative industry, supportive measures, as well as directions for its implementation; integrate websites related to the cultural creative industry, provide service mechanisms, e.g. online consultation, and establish a database for the cultural creative industry; the government should elevate the cultural creative industry’s competitiveness, so that the industry may bring its advantages into full play, and turn “Taiwanese brands” into international brands. And Proprietors of cultural creative industry must enhance competitive advantage in the market.


