  • 學位論文


The Study on the Administrative Discretion and the Judicial Review in Nuclear Power Lawsuits

指導教授 : 張惠東


近年隨著國家任務的擴大,國家的管制對象和範圍也受到相當衝擊。法學研究上,近年核能法之探討逐漸受到重視。相對於傳統的危險管理,則核能管制涉及的因素更複雜。立法機關在衡量風險時之立法政策上,決定管制與否時,涉及風險判斷涉及高度專業和科技使用,在核能立法係普遍使用不確定法律概念為手段,當承認行政機關享有判斷餘地時,法院應採取如何的審查密度,以確保行政權合法行使,卻又不致侵害行政之權限及行政享有判斷餘地空間,為一重要議題。 本文第二章先為我國判斷餘地及司法審查密度適用現況之闡述和整理。從已為行政法院審查密度之圭臬的大法官解釋第553號和我國行政法院於審理判斷餘地時之判決內容上探知法院之態度和立場,並以國內目前少數已提出的核能訴訟為研究,提出相關判斷餘地和審查密度之探討。 第三章再以日本法上裁量學說進行研究,以及透過日本法上數則著名核能訴訟為例,以針對核能判決之司法審查為觀察重心。 第四章則從學者之觀點和日本法上研究,對我國核能事件判斷餘地理論和司法審查密度提出幾點觀察和建議:一、判斷餘地於科技領域之適用為因應國家任務轉變之結果,司法審查雖受有限制但須積極進行調整;二、大法官解釋第553號提出之判斷餘地審查密度仍待補充且行政法院之審查須回應行政法各論領域之特殊性;三、參考日本實務法院有積極審查新規制基準之傾向;四、加強行政決定過程之人民參與及司法審查過程之專家參與機制。


In recent years, the nuclear power lawsuits have become more noticed. When the events involve science and technology, the Legislators often use the overbreadth of the legal concept to stipulate the law. And the Administrative authority may be acknowledged to have certain degree of discretion. So how the courts review in the cases become an important issue. In Chapter 2, I introduce the conventional academic and practical field about the certain degree of discretion and the judicial review. The standards of judicial review provided from interpretation number 553 are followed by the courts. But the standards may not totally respond to the nuclear lawsuits. In Chapter 3, I discuss about the cases from the courts in Japan and to realize about the academic discussing. From the perspective of Japanese law, it can be found out that the courts tend to be more positive after the 311 nuclear event. In Chapter 4, I give some perspective to the issue and to provide some suggestions on the administrative discretion and the judicial review in nuclear power Lawsuits. First of all, the judicial review may be restricted because of the administrative discretion. But it can still get some positive adjust to face the changing. Second, the standards of judicial review provided from interpretation number 553 need more developments. Third, the courts in Japan seem to tend to review positively in the nuclear lawsuits. Finally, the administrative procedures should be able to let the people to participate. And the experts participating in the nuclear lawsuits may contribute to the judicial review.


6.李建良,環評審查與比例原則─最高行政法院100年度判字第1022號判決的意義與隱憂,台灣法學雜誌,第185期 ,2011年。
