  • 學位論文


The Judicial Review of Ambiguous Concept—Focusing on the Environmental Act

指導教授 : 陳春生


近年來,環保議題逐年受到重視,環境行政不僅面臨科技未知之問題,由於環境具有公共財之性質,環境問題亦為資源分配之問題,因此於決策之時,即不可避免的會涉及相當廣度之利益衝突,此時,國家對於環境政策,不僅有因科技的未知性,而產生決策是否「真正正確」之問題,亦有決策過程程序正當性確保之問題,因此本文將焦點集中在檢討我國行政法院對於環境立法中為因應環境保護之專業性及高度未知性所使用之不確定法律概念的司法審查密度,及其密度高低,透過外國法之比較,藉由本文提供我國行政法院審查密度改進之芻議,希望架築更完善的司法審查密度。 第二章先說明不確定法律概念之意義、理論,最後帶出其與行政裁量之差別。 第三章則說明判斷餘地承認之基礎,及其理論,點出判斷餘地之範圍,進而分析與整理我國學說與實務上對於不確定法律概念之司法審查密度。 第四章則說明了美國對於環境法乃大量採用風險評估之立法模式,進而就美國法中累積較多案例的環境影響評估法與其他環境法中介紹美國聯邦法院就環評制度中「無顯著影響」之審查與美國法對風險規則之司法審查密度。 第五章則說明了我國行政法院近年來對於環境法中不確定法律概念之司法審查密度之操作,乃以環境影響評估法、廢棄物清理法、空氣汙染防制法、都市計畫法、漁業法、飲用水管制條例、水污染防治法為例,並比較我國行政法院與美國法中對於不確定法律概念之司法審查之差別,文末則提出本文之建議以作為我國行政法院可操作之參考。


In recent years environmental awareness has been raised and become flourishing. Environmental Act is used ambiguous concept because Environmental Act is involved with science and technology. Therefore this paper is focusing on the judicial review of ambiguous concept in an administrative court. In the Chapter 2 introduces the definition of ambiguous concept and the theory development, in order to compare ambiguous concept with administrative discretion. In the Chapter 3 demonstrates the background of the development of administrative area of judgment and the basis of it, then analyzes the judicial review of ambiguous concept in our law. In the Chapter 4 introduces functionality of U.S. risk regulations and analysis on their relevant judicial precedents. First of all, U.S. government applies the outcome of risk management and risk assessment to its administrative decision-making. The court is using the concept and methodology of quantitative risk assessment to examine the regulatory legality of the environmental law, which makes such precedents landmark cases widely cited in judicial reviewing. In the Chapter 5 reviews in our court the judicial review of ambiguous concept-focusing on the environmental act, such as Environmental Impact Assessment Act, Waste Clean Act, Air Pollution Act, Water Pollution Control Act, etc..Despite that the legal system of Taiwan is quite different from that of the U.S., the U.S. judges’ knowledge of risk management, their employment of the legal concept, and their reasoning of the same could be important reference to us. Hence, I hope this paper can present how the U.S. ideas might be included into Taiwan’s legal system, based on Taiwan’s own legal culture, which will provide the effectiveness, efficiency, and certainty to better our environmental protection. Keywords:ambiguous concept, Environmental Act, judicial review, administrative area of judgment, risk assessment, risk management, Environmental Impact Assessment Act.


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