  • 學位論文


The impacts of government and human capital on economic growth

指導教授 : 王宜甲




This study aims to investigate the impact of human capital on economic growth based on neoclassical models. Some hypotheses from public finance literature suggest that government spending plays an important role in economic growth, and this role will also be investigated in this study. Besides, tax structure can influence government spending, meaning that government spending is not an exogenous variable, so any estimation should take into account possible endogeneity bias. The sample used in this study covers 21 OECD’s countries, for the period from 2005 to 2010. The empirical results show that human capital is the major source in economic growth. In addition, government spending can increase human capital stock in our sample countries, so that in order to stimulate economic growth in an economy, the government should focus on how to improve both quality and quantity of human capital stock for its own country.


Human Capital Economic Growth Panel Data


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