  • 學位論文


Estimating ORU Extended Wage Equation When Measuring Overeducation With Realized Matches.

指導教授 : 湯蕙瑄




過度教育 薪資


Making use of the data of 1997, 2002 and 2012 Taiwan Social Change Survey, this thesis proposes two modifications on the realized matches method in studying overeducation. The first modification redefines the years of overeducation, required education and undereducation. The proposed definition not only avoids the possibility that the returns to overeducation (undereducation) being over- (under-) estimated, but also makes it possible to compare the empirical results estimated using the ORU wage equation versus the V-V wage equation. In order to take into account the rapidly changing labor markets in Taiwan, the second modification replaces the realized matches within an occupation with the realized matches within an occupation for the same cohort. When we further restricted the realized matches within both occupation and cohort, the resulting overeducated workers no longer overly concentrate on younger persons. The empirical results show that the returns to overeducation is smaller than that reported in the literature. Yet the returns to overeducation is consistently smaller than the returns to required education. In addition, we propose to control for whether one is self-assessed as overeducated or not in the wage equations. The empirical results show that the difference between the returns to overeducated and adequately-educated years narrows down, which implies that the overeducated workers defined using realized matches method may have some unobservable characteristics shared by those who self-assessed as overeducated.


overeducation wage


Burris, V. (1983).The social and political consequences of overeducation. American
Sociological Review, 48(4),54-67.
Chevalier, A. (2003). Measuring overeducation. Economic Review, 70, 509-531.
