  • 學位論文


Valuing the Recreational Benefits of the Danshuei River Mangrove Wetland:Application of Travel Cost method and Contingent Behavior Method

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


自1971年拉姆薩濕地公約簽約以來,各國越來越重視濕地的保育工作。紅樹林濕地在濕地中屬於較為獨特的濕地環境,因其植物可適應高鹽分的環境及海水漲退潮,其相較於一般濕地更有海岸保護、減緩海嘯、海浪侵蝕、是海岸變遷及氣候變遷的指標物種之一。然在淡水河流域中的紅樹林濕地,經常受到垃圾、廢水及重金屬汙染,嚴重影響紅樹林濕地中生物的生存。   因此,本研究以淡水河流域中的淡水河紅樹林濕地為評估對象,以現地調查評估遊客對於其的遊憩效益,並以條件行為資料推估當紅樹林濕地的環境品質提升一倍及到紅樹林濕地的旅遊成本提高10%時,當遊客對紅樹林遊憩效益的變化量。 根據本研究實證結果,目前的環境條件下每人每次前往淡水河紅樹林濕地的遊憩效益約為885元;而環境品質提升1倍下,每人每年的遊憩效益變為1639元,效益增加1.8倍,政府若能將濕地的環境品質,民眾將會獲得極高的效益。而在旅行成本增加10%時,每人每年的遊憩效益約為680元,效益減少0.46倍,可知旅行成本的增加幅度若小,對於民眾的遊憩效益影響不大。


Since Ramsar Convention signed in 1971, more and more countries paid attention to wetland conservation. Mangrove wetlands are relatively an unique type in wetland environment, mainly because the plants adapted to brackish water and tides. Compared to other wetland types, it provides much more ecosystem functions, including coastal protection, tsunami resilience and erosion, and also is indicative of coastal changes and climate change. However, Danshuei River Mangrove Wetland (GRMW)is often cluttered with trash and polluted with waste water and heavy metal, severely dangering the local species .   Therefore, this study values the recreational benefits of GRMW. Not only at current state, we also incorporated contingent behavior method to estimate the recreational benefits of two scenarios, if environmental quality improve doubled and if the travel cost increase 10%. The empirical results show that at current environmental conditions the recreational benefit is $885 per person per visit. With environmental quality improve, the recreation benefits is $1,639 per person per visit and benefits increased 1.8 times. It says that if its environmental quality improves, the public will get a higher benefit. With travel costs increase 10%, the recreational benefit is about $680 per person per visit, reducing 54% of benefit. We can see that if travel costs increase in small range, it only influences the recreational benefits a little.


李俊鴻、謝奇明、許詩瑋(2013),「國家公園遊客目的地意象認知與遊憩需求之分析」,大專體育學刊,15(2) ,123-134。
