  • 學位論文


Etiquette, Regulations and Emotions: Relationship between Fathers and Daughters in the Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳俊強博士


在中國中古家庭史的研究中,母子關係成為最先受到關注之焦點。在中國古代的喪服制度上, 依照關係的親疏遠近,而有著「三父八母」的規範。因此,當一名仕途有成的兒子希望榮耀其辛苦 的母親,卻不得其門而入時,遂出現了兒子為母親努力改變禮制的情形。這也為母子關係首先受到 注目之緣由。這不由得讓人好奇起同一時代的父女們是怎麼樣相處的?中國中古時期,尤其是身為 一家至尊的唐代父親又是怎麼與女兒相處呢?父女間的關係是緊張或是輕鬆呢?為一解心中的疑惑 ,便投入研究此課題。      本文由三個角度切入探討唐代的父女關係:家庭教育、婚姻關係及孝道實踐。首先由家庭教育 的層面開始,透過父親在家庭教育中的定位及唐代的兒子與女兒教育異同,釐清唐代父女於家庭教 育中各自之定位。再進一步觀察唐代父女於家庭教育中之互動情形。接著將觸角延伸至婚姻關係層 面,自唐代父親在女兒的婚禮扮演的絕色及律法上為女兒婚配負的責任出發,先釐清在唐代禮法架 下父女各自的定位。接著以多個事例觀察唐代父親在女兒婚配及改嫁之時,與女兒互動之情形。唐 代女兒在婚後,可能遭遇之難題:尊夫或是尊父,為承婚姻生活啟孝道實踐之一節。由法禮上的尊 夫夫或是尊父,再到人情上的尊夫或是尊父,觀察唐代女兒對於孝與義之想法。承唐代女兒思考孝 與義之議題,最後透過三種正史一再傳鈔之孝行,觀察孝道實踐中父女的互動情形。為父侍疾、為 父復仇及為父歸葬與廬墓,唐代的女兒透過實踐難易度不同的孝行,展現女兒對於父親之孝思。


婚姻 父女關係 家庭教育 唐代 孝行


The study of relationship between parents and children in Medieval China focus on relationship between mothers and sons at the first. There were bonds in the relationship between mothers and sons which is based on the theses of Ya-ju Cheng(鄭雅如)and Yi-fang Liao(廖宜方). Their studies make me think what about the relationship between fathers and daughters in Medieval China? That was the first step of my study.      This thesis will discuss the relationship between fathers and daughters in three parts. In the first part, I will figure out the position of fathers in family education, the difference between sons and daughters in the family education, and the interaction of fathers and daughters in family education in the Tang Dynasty. In the second part, I will figure out the position of fathers in daughters' wedding and the legal liability of fathers in daughters' marriage, and the interaction of fathers and daughters in marriage in the Tang Dynasty. Furthermore, I will also figure out how daughters face the conflict between obeying their father or their husband. In the third part, I will figure out the interaction of fathers and daughters in filial conduct with three aspects: illness care, revenge and mourn. How daughters in the Tang Dynasty show their filial and reverence through the filial conduct.


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