  • 學位論文


A Study for Key Factors of Facebook Fan Page Operation in 3C Products

指導教授 : 張惠真


在摩爾定律已難以迎合當下資訊科技變化萬千的世代,各3C廠商除面臨市場競爭也同時面對行銷預算資源匱乏雙重壓力,尤其當終端客戶擁有選擇權且善用SNS社群媒體及沈浸於WOM影響消費力氛圍下,企業無不朝思夕計尋求最大市占與永續經營解套方案。 有鑑於此,客戶忠誠度成為企業無不傾心竭力經營的課題,隨著網路資訊與行動運算普及,社群媒體發展一日千里,眾多企業仰賴社群媒體培植客戶忠誠與吸收客戶反饋以強化產品與服務發展且不斷地透過社群媒體舉辦線上活動強化粉絲互動與黏著性成為常態。 本研究以行銷4P為架構,分析社群媒體Facebook粉絲團經營效益影響因子,透過專家訪談吸取社群媒體成功關鍵因素,結合展望理論(Prospect Theory)了解活動贈品價值與參與者期望及互動態勢並分析活動宣傳及名人代言效益,最後以產品偏好及企業形象甚至社群媒體維護品質等綜合面向,經層級分析法AHP尋求最佳社群媒體經營效益投資組合。 研究結果發現,社群媒體經營效益於行銷4P各面向均有重要關鍵影響因子,尤其受粉絲團內容維護品質左右,其中粉絲團貼文呈現質感;維護人物力成本;蜂鳴行銷及贈獎活動與異業聯盟具各4P構面顯著影響力。研究結果反映各相關因素權重,除可引領新進社群媒體廠商擬定經營策略也同時嘉惠資深廠商用以強化提升粉絲忠誠度對策。


名人代言 廣告宣傳 活動 粉絲 社群媒體 行銷4P 贈品


Moore's Law is difficult at the moment to meet the ever-changing IT generation; 3C manufacturers will face not only market competition but also budgeting limitation. On the other hand, end-user consuming behavior will be affected by SNS and WOM which was managed by sophisticated and well-planned branding strategy. In such cases, maximizing the market share and gaining the sustainable business model become a corporate’s imperative eventually. Most of the companies try to embrace customer’s loyalty by enhancing social media fan’s interoperability and interrelationship become the norm. This study analyzes the influence of Facebook Fan Page managerial efficiency under Marketing Mix framework; it gathers the crucial key factors by expert interview and figures out the correlation between campaign reward and participant’s expectation; explores the buzz marketing and celebrity advertising result as well as social media maintenance quality impact by AHP for looking the best social media management portfolio. Study found that Facebook Fan Page managerial efficiency is mainly affected by Maintenance Quality; also Displaying Treatment; Regular Maintenance; Buzz Marketing; Gamified Campaign and Joint Promotion lead the significant impact of each analysis major aspect especially. The managerial implication does benefit social media operators the successful shortcut and manipulating tactic.


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