  • 學位論文


The Impact of Wage Stagnation on Macroeconomy-Evidence from Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊子菡


工資在經濟體系中具多重角色,以需求面而言是帶動民間消費的主要來源,而在供給面上則是屬於廠商生產成本的一部分,另外在分配面上則為影響所得分配的關鍵因素。   台灣近年來呈現實質工資停滯的現象,然而經濟則是呈現穩定成長的趨勢,從此現象可以知受薪階層未能平等分享經濟成長的果實,但這狀況也並非只發生於台灣,根據國際勞工組織(ILO)研究發現,許多國家都陸續出現工資停滯的現象,且諾貝爾經濟學家Stiglitz的更指出導致此次全球經濟危機的根源即是金融危機前多數地區日漸增加的工資不平等,工資增加與勞動生產力提升脫鉤。   本文研究重點在於檢測台灣的經濟成長模式是工資帶動成長(wage-led growth model)或是利潤帶動成長(profit-led growth model),藉此判斷若台灣繼續使用目前低薪的策略,是能讓企業藉由壓低成本的方式來增加本身的出口競爭力,而為台灣經濟帶來助益,或是會因為低薪而使得國民所得下降,進而造成國民消費能力不足、國內需求量下降,反而不利於整體經濟。主要研究發現如次: 一.台灣薪資的成長速度在1989年後開始遞減,2000年以後更是呈現停滯;反觀經濟發展在全球金融風暴之前,一直維持穩定的成長速度,雖然在2009年的金融危機出現負成長,隔年即快速恢復經濟成長的力道。將上述台灣薪資與經濟成長相比之下,可以顯示出工資停滯的背後,隱含著勞動與資本所得在經濟成長中的分配問題。 二.造成台灣薪資停滯之原因: (一)制度面:工會式微與社會凝聚力下降,皆會使得企業執行長擁有更大的權利,從企業領取更大比例的所得,使得勞工工資成長遠低於生產力。 (二)產業結構:台灣多屬於中小企業的結構,在人力與財力的不足下,停留在代工模式無法從事R&D的發展,在企業競爭力不足及資本成本無法降低的情況下,企業只能藉由削減勞工薪資的方法以降低產品成本、增進競爭力。 (三)全球化因素:可以標準化的工作紛紛流向勞工成本較低的國家。此去技術化和外包的趨勢持續發酵,不只底層薪資的不變甚至下降,連中層的工資也受到影響,造成高階經理人與中低階層員工工資兩極化的現象。 (四)技術進步:在技術進步下,勞動力提升速度遠大於需求增長的速度,勞工彼此排擠對方的工作機會,造成失業的增加,且資本逐漸取代勞力,在利潤不變的情況下,勞工的薪資會與資本逐漸一致,而使薪資無法成長。 三.本文分別利用消費、投資與淨出口等方程式進行時間序列模型的實證分析,檢視薪資份額對1981-2013年台灣總體經濟的影響,並進一步檢測1990、1995、2000、2005、2010、2013各年度的效果。其實證結果顯示,不論是在哪個年度,薪資份額的增加對總體經濟的影響效果皆為為正向,在1990年至2005年中,其影響效果更是越來越大,這現象直到2010年至2013年才有所趨緩。由此可見工資份額的提升有利於總需求的增加,證實台灣為工資帶動經濟體顯示臺灣具有薪資帶動經濟成長的經濟特性。然而一直以來台灣較注重以出口為導向的企業策略、藉由壓低工資的成長來提升產品的競爭力,但在全球化之下,此舉會演變成全球工資的逐底競爭,而無法增加出口量,我們應優先促進國內需求的成長,才能為台灣帶來穩定且長遠的經濟發展。所提建議如下:重新建立全球性的經濟發展合作策略,不以低價為競爭優勢,建立品牌提高產品附加價值;透過政府力量的增加運用重分配政策;強化勞工團體的力量增進勞工議價的能力;利用上述等方式,提升工資份額以追求國內需求的穩定成長。


Wage has multi-players in economy: the main source for driving private consumption, the cost of the main budge on the demand-side and the main contribution of the income distribution on supply-side.   The wage stagnation hasn been a problem in Taiwan these years, however, the economy shows stable in growth rate. According to International Labor Organization, this phenomenon doesn’t only occur in Taiwan, but also in many counties. Nobel economist Stiglitz points out that the increase of wage inequality and productivity detach with wage are the main keys for global financial crisis. The main objective of this article is to evaluate whether Taiwan’s economy is wage-led or profit-led. Through the evaluation to see if Taiwan operates on low-wage strategy will maintain our competitive strength in the world, promote our export or will harm its private consumption that leads to detrimental for our economy. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.The growth rate of wage in Taiwan starts decreasing since 1989, staying stagnated since 2000. Though Taiwan’s wage shows negative growth rate in 2009, it shows stable growing rate before the global financial crisis and recover from the negative growth rate in the next year. According to this, it demonstrates that there are problems of distribution between profit and wage share behind the wage stagnation state. 2.The main reasons for wage stagnation in Taiwan: (1)Institution: cooperation decreases in union power and social cohesion all make CEOs of enterprises gain more power to abuse profit distribution and this results in gap increasing between productivity and wage. (2)Industry Structure: Taiwan’s industries are mainly small and medium scale enterprises. Due to the shortage of labors and funds, firms don’t have the ability to do Research and Development, instead of cutting labor’s wage to lower the cost and increase the competition of firms. (3)Globalization: Tasks with Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) being taking over by countries with low labor cost adds to the separation of wage between lower-middle class labors and CEOs. 3.This study applies single equations of consumption, investment and net exports using time-series data to estimate the effects of wage share on Taiwan’s economy during 1981-2013 and calculates the effects on 1990、1995、2000、2005、2010 and 2013 to trace the change. The results show an increase of wage share had a positive effect on Taiwan’s economy during the whole period with an increasing trend between 1990 and 2005, which reached a plateau in 2010-2013. This shows Taiwan’s economy has operated as a wage-led economy. However, Taiwan has been focusing on boosting exports and keeping wage low in order to increase the competitiveness. With many less-developed countries participating in the global wage competition, Taiwan cannot improve its exports by the low-wage strategy. Policy suggestions are the following: first, reinforce multinational cooperation strategies, not pursuing the advantage of low-price, instead, establishing the self-owned brand names for more profits. Second, government should implement income redistribution policy. Third, strengthen the power of labor reunions to bargain for fair wages. In summary, it is crucial to increase wage share in order to reach a stable economic growth of Taiwan economy.


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