  • 學位論文


A Study of the Restricted Stocks

指導教授 : 劉連煜


為配合國際趨勢,便利企業吸引優秀人才,提升競爭力,我國公司法於2011年增訂第267條第8項與第10項,引進限制型股票制度,規定公開發行公司得發行限制員工權利新股,作為獎勵員工之方式。 限制型股票制度於我國實行至今約5年,於我國而言屬較為新型的員工股權基礎獎勵制度。因此,本文首先將介紹美國已行之有年的限制型股票制度法律規範、實務統計狀況及近年學說針對長期性激勵獎酬之討論;其次,從我國規範切入,分析其解釋與適用,配合討論新修正之產業創新條例規範對限制型股票制度之影響,整理我國近年來實際施行之狀況並逐一檢視採用限制型股票制度之上市公司公司發行辦法,探討其發行條件之是否與制度目的相切合。 於參酌外國法制及分析我國規範後,本論文擬綜合規範面與實行面可能涉及之問題,重新思考我國限制型股票制度,分別討論其適用範圍、發行公司與員工間之關係、以股東會特別決議為決議門檻之意義,以及既得期間之合理性與界限。 最後,本論文針對我國制度就法制改革面向與實務上發行辦法之設置與解釋提出建議,期望使我國限制型股票制度更加完善,發揮其最大之功能。


In order to follow international trends, facilitate enterprises to attract talents, and improve corporate competitiveness, it is introduced the restricted stock system in the Company Act of Taiwan in 2011. It provides public companies the decision of choosing restricted stock as incentive compensation. For Taiwan, the restricted stock is a new system of rewarding employees. To make restricted stock as a kind of employee compensation mechanism in Taiwan, and to improve its completeness, this study first introduces the restricted stock and statistics in the US where the restricted stock has applied for a long time. Secondly, this study analysis the explanation of the provisions and its practical situation in Taiwan, and then discuss the new regulation of Industrial Innovation Act which focuses on tax benefits of employee equity-based compensation. After deliberate about the law and regulation of the US and Taiwan, this study explores some issues about the restricted stock. For example, how those regulations are interpreted and applied? What kind of contractual relationship between company and employees is? Why does it should approved by the special resolution of shareholders? How to design vesting conditions? At the end, this study offers some amendments and suggestions for hoping to provide further contribution to the restricted stock system in Taiwan.


˙ 巫鑫,員工限制型股票之發行及會計稅務處理作業,會計研究月刊,第318期,2012年5月。
˙ 黃曉雯,限制員工權利新股發行規範出爐,會計研究月刊,第318期,2012年5月。
˙ 陳苑霖,高階經理人薪酬與限制員工權利新股,國立台灣大學管理學院會計學研究所碩士論文,2015年7月。
˙ 財團法人中華民國會計研究發展基金會民國101年5月18日基秘字第139號解釋函。
˙ 最高法院72年台上字第113號民事判決。
